2017: Michael and I went to get breakfast from North Lime. Delish! Chatted till they had to head out for a friend's kid's birthday party then we headed on, to o. Into West Virginia and enjoyed the views in Charleston and on hwy 60 through the mountains.
2018: Slept in late, coffee out on the patio overlooking the creek, thenbreakfast tacos. Packed up and swung by the store for some things beforeheading out to Jeramiah's to begin house-sitting. Gave Ashley the tour ofthe property, read for a bit, called Mom for mother's day, had supper, andgenerally just hung out.
2019: Working day. Updated inventory, caught up on emails, etc. Home and had acall with Bill about tax stuffs and bookkeeping. Then breakfast for supperand watched some TV in bed.
2020: Up with the alarm to get ready for the day. Breakfast and coffee foreveryone then off to the store to be the framer for the day. Kind of niceto be back in a routine. Home in time for Lily's bedtime story and thensupper. Tired day for everyone. Read just a touch before bed.
2021: Nice day to ride the motorcycle in. Debating on trading the bike for anadventure model of some sort. Leaning toward keeping mine for now.Meandered home.
2023: We went to the farmer's market to see Fred, Grace and Conner. Then I headedon to work for the day. PnC training around lunch time. I got rained on abit while heading home. Went to the Treehouse for Meet the Trucks - whichseemed like a great success. Lily and I sat inside the helicopter and got abrief tour of the equipment. Then home and wrapped up for the day.
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