2017: Stayed up late reading so slept in late. Went to farmer's market and handedout Art Supply House gift certificates to people (got some free veggies inexchange!) and then over to Durango Coffee for drinks and a bag of beans.Wandered about downtown and then to the thrift store before home for lunch.Picked up some movies from the library and enjoyed a lazy evening at home.
2018: Slept in late and had a great day at home. Ignored all of the web stuffs.Ashley raked leaves and moved some wood from the pile to under the porchwhile I put the snow tires on the car. We loaded up the trailer with leavesto empty on Saturday. We drove into town and picked up some steaks forsupper to test out the feel of the tires. Got chili and beans-n-riceprepped while the steaks were on the grill. Watched a movie in the eveningbefore bed.
2019: Just a bit of snow on the ground when we woke up and the sun came up. Workday at the store. Ashley had a meeting at church so bit of a long day, butnot too bad. We grabbed supper from Zia's and headed home for the evening.Read for a bit before heading to bed.
2020: Ashley worked from home so we all ended up spending quite a bit of timetogether. Lily's learning more every day - playing with her wooden box andmoving beads around. She practiced dropping things so that she could benddown to pick them up. Over the last couple of days she's been pattingAshley's arm when being picked up - I think she's mimicking Ashley pattingher on the back. :D I finished the gouache painting of Lily and Pooh Bear.
2021: Nice to be home for a day. After breakfast we headed to Jack-a-Lope acresto play and get a pumpkin. Lily was fascinated by the 4-wheeler pulledtrain and loved the bouncy trampoline-thing. It was a late nap. After shewoke up we headed to the playground for a bit more fun before supper.Leftovers then reading before heading to bed.
2022: Early morning to the store. Went and picked up the UHaul, delivered thehuge horse painting with Tom's help, returned the UHaul and ran someerrands. Then a bit of paperwork and prepping for tomorrow's customerappreciation day. Home - enjoyed watching Lily and Ashley sit next to thefire in the glider and read. Very cozy!
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