2016: Delightful day with Ashley. Went for a walk in the park and then coffee at Cumberland Coffee Roasters (a new place for Ash to visit). Then checked out the CycleParts - found some liners that we like instead of getting riding pants and such. Also some nice saddlebags. Then tried the nearby Italian restaurant - it was good and lunch prices and portions are much more to our liking. Watched some movies and I set up email journal for Ashley and scheduled mine to run and create the webpages. Also cleaning up old websites/files on the webserver.
2017: Another day at work. Ashley dropped me off early on her way to work. Ifinished up the order. Finally had an idea for the public art project atthe 550/160 median. Deadline is on the 15th so it will be a bit of a rush,but if I don't get one submitted and something phoey gets chosen I'll bekicking myself for years to come. So stayed up late working on the concept,researching materials, etc.
2018: In to office and dropped off lunch stuffs then over to Smiley Cafe for amocha and catching up on some work. Then to the store for most of the day.Caught up with work news. Kristen and I walked around, checking in withsome of the other local craft biz owners. After work Ashley picked me upand we headed to Phillip and Stephanie's for small group. Then home and bedtime.
2019: In to work today. Got a bunch of little chores taken care of throughout theday. Home for supper and working on the logo brainstorming for church. Gota little painting on ole Georgie Washington and his donut. Read for a bitbefore bed.
2020: Opened the store and got some routine work done. Helped the crabby framingcustomer receive their pieces and then when they complained on the phoneafterward mailed them a check as a refund. It snowed pretty much all day,so there were about 7quot on the ground when I got home. Supper and hung outwith Lily then an early bed time.
2021: Slept in a bit late. After breakfast we headed to Durango to pick upgroceries. Then walked around outside the library for a bit and grabbedlunch at Sage. Home for nap time. I made bullet cookies, a loaf of breadfor Ashley, and one for me. Then put together a quick sausage andsauerkraut meal for supper. Read a bit before bed.
2022: Worked in the garage in the morning while Ashley and Lily went to theTreehouse. I moved most of the things from out of the yard (out of the wayof snow) and hauled a load of stuff to the slash pile. Lots more room inthe garage! It snowed most of the day - good day to not be out and aboutdriving. Lily and Ashley played in the snow a bit in the afternoon. Ashleymade spaghetti for supper - delish!
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