Journal entry – 10 Mar 2016, Thurs – Channel Islands (and the Switchback Kids)

Up early (well, right on time instead of hitting snooze) and headed for the harbor. Pulled into the parking lot with plenty of time to spare. We noticed a car in the parking lot with the Switchback Kids magnet on the side door, which made us act like giddy fans who ran into a star. They were busy packing and we didn’t want to interrupt them.

Once on the ferry we went over to say hi – we’d run into them in Capital Reef in Utah and afterward looked them up online. They’ve taken a year off and are visiting all of the National Parks, so we were able to have quite an enjoyable discussion about pursuing similar goals (though on a separate time-line). How fun! Hopefully we’ll be able to meet up over the next couple of months, as we’re going to be travelling in the same direction.

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Stopped on the ridge for lunch and then it’s time to head back down the trail to meet up with the boat. As much as we want to stay longer, we don’t want to miss our ride back to the mainland. Watch a fox watching us come down the trail – he wanders off as we get closer. Another is spotted on the ridge parallel to ours.

Less exciting, but inspiring, we a park ranger is along the trail. That’s a job we’d love to have, and what a fabulous setting to work in!

We get back to the visitors center and the boat is not yet in sight, so we pause for an afternoon coffee. Boil water in our backpacking stove, brew using our drip cone, and sip the last few drops just as the boat pulls in. Perfect timing!

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The ferry ride was quite enjoyable, not just because of the delightful visit we had. With a nice, sunny day the water was sparkling blue and beautiful. A couple of gray whales were spotted, as was a Stella seal – huge in comparison to the California Seals – and a few random dolphins were playing in the water nearby as well. A couple of swells splashed up and got us, even on the upper deck. So glad I had on my rain jacket! We passed by Anacapa Island and pulled into Scorpion Bay on Santa Cruz Island – the pier was damaged last year in a storm so we were skiffed in to shore, 6 at a time. Though it took longer, we landed safe and dry on the beach.

A quick loop through the campground to fill up our water bottles, where we paused to check out one of the Island Foxes that only live on the Channel Islands, lying on the path’s edge. Then a quick loop on up to Cavern Point to check out the views. We took a quick break for a snack before heading up the Scorpoin Canyon trail to the MontaƱon Ridge. What fabulous views! We’re definitely kicking ourselves for not spending the night… Blue oceans, beautiful beaches, fabulous vistas of the rolling mountain ridge, and still more trails to explore!

Island Fox Island Fox

We’re definitely going to have to return and visit another trip.

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Back on the ferry, we enjoyed the trip back to town. The seals were still laying on the bouy, enjoying the sun. Back on the motorcycle, we headed home to change. Once comfortable we didn’t feel like heading back out (Jennie and Jake recommended a great-sounding place there in Ventura) so we grilled up the pork chops that we’d thawed out but not yet cooked and had a delicious meal at home.

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Journal entry – 9 Mar 2016, Wed – Hiking and Home Again

Watched Griffin in the morning, then went and re-upped our spot for the RV. Since we were there, seemed like a good time to dump tanks and refill fresh water for the next few days. Once everything was done and we were back in our spot, it was time to head out for a hike.

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Jennie had recommended a trail with beautiful views that was nearby, so we headed that way. Would have been really easy to overlook this spot without specific directions, but quickly found a parking place for the motorcycle and headed up the trail. What a beautiful trek up the mountain through the woods. We really do love being in the woods, hearing running water nearby, with greenery. Desert and beach scenery are pretty, but they just doesn’t speak to us like the forest and the mountains do.


We followed the trail up to the top of the mountains, stopped and had lunch, and then headed back down. Didn’t quite make it in time as we’d intended… Ashley didn’t make it back to join Jennie at the Pilates class in the afternoon.


Showers and packed up to move back to the RV, then ran and dropped everything off in the borrowed car.

Back at the house, Jake made it home – much to everyone’s delight! Griffin was thrilled to see him, absolutely. A little bit of play before supper was finished, then some delicious pasta. After eating, while playing, Griff took his first unassisted steps! Horray!

When it was bath time we headed on home with plans of getting together Friday evening.

Journal entry – 8 Mar 2016, Tues – Island Previews and Mountain Roads

After watching Griffin in the morning we hopped on the motorcycle and stopped at the RV for a few minutes. Then on into Ventura to check out the Channel Islands National Park visitors center. They had a nice little island garden and fun sculptures representing animals (current and past). We chatted with the rangers, watched the video and then stopped next door to reserve seats on a tour for Thursday morning.

Island Fox

Island Fox

Pygmy Elephant

Pygmy Elephant

Then time to head north and check out a suggested road up over the mountains. Fun ride, beautiful scenery – overlooking the valley and also over the ocean out to the Channel Islands.

Back to the house to play with Griffin, catch up on some journal entries, and supper time.

Journal entry – 7 Mar 2016, Mon – Babies, coffee, and rain

In the morning we watch Griffin and help prepare breakfasts before Jennie heads out for the day. Ashley lays Griff down for his morning nap and Theresa arrives – she and I talk for a bit. Hopefully I’ve convinced her to go and explore the parks in the nearby area – camping doesn’t have to be as hard as she first thought, and day hikes would be greatly enjoyed by her son.

Ready for the day, we walk downtown to the Lucky Llama, a highly-recommended coffee shop to sample a brew and a breakfast bowl. Delicious!

We detour down a side street toward the ocean, but the chilly breeze sends us heading home. It’s not too long before we notice rain heading our way, so we duck into a local shop to pass a bit of time and let the rain pass us by. Great timing, as it rained a few minutes after we headed inside. Once that let up we headed back to the house.

I ran back to the RV to pick up a couple of items and the asparagus from the fridge for supper. Ashley puts together supper, I catch up on journaling and scheduling emails for the month. Jennie spends quality time with Griffin.

Journal entry – 6 Mar 2016, Sun – Hanging Out and Send Offs

Rained pretty hard last night. Slept well, lulled by the rocking of the RV in the wind and the drumming of the raindrops on the roof. Not to mention the sounds of the surf.

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Nice and clear when we woke up, though. Beautiful blue skies over the colorful ocean – the sun hitting the water really brought out the different shades of blue. I watched a rainbow in the clouds over the water while enjoying my morning coffee.

Up and at em, we headed over to Jake and Jennie’s. We all open presents in between family dropping by for a visit before heading out. Lots of fun to chat even more with everyone.

helping assemble new toys!

helping assemble new toys!

Eventually everyone has headed on their way, Jake leaves for the airport, and Jennie, Griffin, Ashley and I head out to take care of some weekend chores before Monday’s workday. We pick up bags from the RV for our stay, go get groceries, and then return to the house for supper.

Journal entry – 5 Mar 2016, Sat – 1st Birthday Party

It started spitting rain just as we were gearing up to hop on the motorcycle. So we took Jim Perlette up on his repeated ride offerings. Geared down as we waited, gave him the tour once he arrived, and headed toward the hotel where we breakfasted with Dan, Michelle and the girls.

Then it was over to the Lion’s Club property to help set up for the party. There were a handful of us there, hanging decorations, blowing up balloons, arranging food, and more. The place was very festive and we wrapped up as the first guest started arriving. Family, friends, co-workers, and more came to celebrate Griffin’s first birthday. And he was a champ, surviving with only a few minute nap that came hours late. He enjoyed his cake (after dis-regarding the trial-run cupcakes over the last few days) and didn’t cry when everyone sang to him.

1st birthday 1st birthday cake

The party wound down and friends trickled off, leaving only family for the remainder of the afternoon/evening. Horseshoes were tossed, conversations had, and jokes were made. A brick oven rolled up (literally, on a trailer) and fresh wood-fired pizzas were served. To celebrate a few other pending birthdays, Bella and Ella shared a cake for everyone’s dessert. Decorations came down quickly with everyone pitching in. Jim and Karen had presents for Bella, Sophie, and Olivia since they haven’t seen them over the last holiday or two.

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Once everyone was packed away, Jim gave us a ride back to the RV. He told us about his guitar playing and, once we arrived, played a recording of him and his jam buddy playing a song together. It was beautiful! Such talent!

It didn’t take long for us to wind down for the evening. After a long, full day there wasn’t much for us to do beyond reading for a bit and then bed.

Journal entry – 4 Mar 2016, Fri – Aerial Yoga

Caught up with Norma and Jim on the phone – spotted dolphins out in the distance, playing in the water.

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We got our "biz" cards!

We got our “biz” cards!

Ashley had a hammock yoga class and then an aerial fitness class with Jennie in the morning. She loved it, though it was much harder than she anticipated, but in a good way. I spent the morning reading and writing while overlooking the ocean. Talked to Mom for a bit.

The girls let me know they were heading to the house so I packed up and joined them. Family from both sides trickled in throughout the afternoon and we spent the day visiting and being entertained by Griffin.

Went over to the park to drop off party supplies for tomorrow – it’s a beautiful facility and the day will be a blast.

Supper at the house with everyone, home-made mexican by Griff’s nanny. It was delicious!

Finally motorcycled home.

Journal entry – 3 Mar 2016, Thurs – Meeting Griffin

Plans have been made, we’re going to meet Jennie this afternoon so that she and Ashley can take Griffin to the baby gym. (They only allow two chaperones) and I’m going to get some work done online.

So we hop on the bicycles and head out for a ride. The trail runs just beside our spot, so there’s no way to miss it. We headed down the trail, following the shoreline and end up in Ventura. The trail seems to run out, so we circle around and head back. Stop at the RV for a water break and end up chatting with a neighbor – a fellow RVer with a motorcycle who’s looking at our set-up for ideas.

Then it was time to head into Carpinteria to meet Jennie and Griffin. After a short visit, the girls and the Griff went to the gym while I stayed and got some emails scheduled and other online chores taken care of.

Everyone came back and we set up Griffin’s train. It was so much fun! He loved riding it and he’s just so energetic and happy!

Jake picked up Thai for supper. Delicious!

After supper Jake’s dad and step-mom dropped by, just arriving in town. We chatted with them for a bit before everyone left for the evening. His dad offered a place to stay when we get up to Oregon, and I thoroughly enjoyed talking with him.

Journal entry – 2 Mar 2016, Wed – From desert to beach

We’re aiming for a first-come “campground” on the beach a few miles away from Carpinteria for the weekend. It’s the closest place that should have a spot available during Griffin’s birthday. We figure that getting there pretty early on Thursday should ensure we get a spot.

Ashley’s eager to start heading that way so we’re closer for a quick trip on Thursday morning, so we pack up and head out. Up and over the mountains we drive, stopping at a rest area for lunch. There’s a bit of cell signal there, so we’re able to check messages finally. On we head, and find ourselves in urban sprawl. Hmm… there’s no where we can spend the night wild camping. We call and check with the rangers about the nearby National Forest, but no dispersed camping allowed.

On we head to the county beach. It’s basically paid parallel parking, but there’s enough room for us and the trailer and it’s wide enough for the awning and room to spare. 10′ out our front door is a row of boulders that drop down to the beach and ocean. We’re about 50′ away from the water’s edge.

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I make supper while Ashley plans out the trip and fills out the permit application for the John Muir Trail.

Journal entry – 1 Mar 2016, Tues – Hidden gems in the desert

Bit of a slow morning. I woke before the alarm and watched the sun rise while sipping my coffee. Ashley snoozed later and enjoyed some tea. We had a leisurely breakfast and eventually hopped on the motorcycle for a short trip up the road.

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Turning onto a gravel road, we endured 2.4 miles of washboards to our last trail to explore in Death Valley Nat. Park. We were the lone motorcycle in the parking lot at the trailhead, which generally seems to be the case.

The hike was a short one, relatively easy. It started out following a dry stream bed and eventually toured next to it. As we headed up the canyon we noticed more greenery – bushes with leaves, occasional flowers, and eventually grass! The last quarter of the trail was an entirely different environment, lush, cool and vibrantly green!

We could hear the waterfall before we saw it, and the final turn in the trail showed us a beautiful pool beneath a 25′ waterfall cascading down the rocks. Darwin Falls flows year round and creates a beautiful oasis within the desert. There was another group at the falls, though they wandered off after we’d been there for a few minutes. We sat at the water’s edge, snacking on walnuts and dried cranberries, and generally taking in the view and enjoying the sounds of the water.

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Eventually, we heard voices in the distance and decided it was time to mosey along. We headed back down the canyon to the motorcycle where we, once again, made our way across the washboards.

A quick stop at the gas station ($3.98 a gallon!) provided no wifi source so we headed back home without purchasing anything. After lunch we decided that a lazy afternoon spent in was in order. I took a bit of a nap while Ashley read. We both read. Then it was time to start supper. Ash put together fajitas while I made tortillas. Delicious!

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