Way back when, as I first envisioned what I wanted Adventure-Some to become, it was grander than today’s results are. This is entirely my fault. I haven’t kept up my end of the bargain.
Here is a copy of my goals for Adventure-Some.com from the Manifesto:
- Help you find ways to include adventure in your daily life.
- Inject adventure into my daily life to prove it works.
- Provide easy step-by-step procedure to help you fulfill your dream.
- Live out adventures of my own as proof of the system.
- Highlight others who are living their adventures as further proof/motivation it is possible for you.
- Create a source of income that allows me to pursue further adventures in my own life.
I feel that I’ve been successful with 1-3, but have struggled with 4, neglected 5, and overlooked 6.
Neglecting #5
There is no excuse for this, I simply haven’t taken the time to interview folks. I have started highlighting fellow adventurers, such as Abby Sunderland. Fortunately, I have also had some reader submitted stories that I will be following up on (after the Featuring You post). Expect to see those soon!
Struggled with #4 and Overlooked #6
These two are tied together. As college students, my wife and I don’t have a lot of funds for the adventures we’d like to take. That doesn’t really hold us back much, but after piecing our work and school schedules together, we don’t have much in the way of free time. I have a couple of ideas that will help take care of these two issues in the near future.
Products are Coming!
I have intended to create some products to sell for some time now. Recently I have received the necessary motivation to actually get to it. Unfortunately, up until now, I have been giving in to my excuses even though I should know better.
- Sticky-Note Love ebook – this ebook will outline one of the simple methods that I use to keep my wife madly in love with me, and her girlfriends jealous of how lucky she is!
- Photo Scavenger Hunt Lists ebook – the two search terms that provide me the most traffic are “photo scavenger hunt list” and “photo scavenger hunt” so I thought that it would be prudent for me to create some scavenger hunt lists to help them out.
- Basic Photography ebook – I spent a lot of time researching basic photography before I got comfortable with my camera. While I still have a lot to learn, a beginner’s “how to take photos” book would have greatly shortened my learning curve. This will be targeted toward people who want to take better photographs, but have no desire to learn how their camera works or what ISO means.
- Custom Portraits – I’ve never mentioned it here before, but for a couple of years I earned all of my spending money by drawing portraits. I’m in the process of putting together a website dedicated to my art, which also has my commission policy on it.
My goal is to roll out at least one of these digital projects each month. Hopefully each one will bring in a steady trickle that, combined with the portraits, will allow my wife and I the freedom to pursue some of larger adventures on our 2010 Action Plan!