Journal entry – 10 October 2015, Sat – Phoenix, AZ – Lot manager’s meeting

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

We head in to the managers meeting at the hotel next door. 7 couples are there, the other 3 are still on the road. One other couple is our age while everyone else is middle-aged or elderly. We learn about inventory and paperwork, receive cash registers, credit card terminals, starting cash (gas for generators and change for the register) and a padlock key.

The meeting is wrapped up by our lunch appointment at MiMi’s Cafe. We ride over with Mike and Bonnie, receiving lots of advice on the way. Lunch is very tasty and is a work treat. We realize that this is only the second time we’ve been treated to a meal since leaving in June, and boy was it appreciated! So nice to have a meal we neither had to make nor pay for. 

Afterward we pack up and head on to check out our lot. Can’t miss it, the tent is already set up. Other than a shipping container (that our key unlocks) and a lone palm tree, it’s a big, empty gravel lot. Markings on the ground indicate a parking area and where the fence will be set up.

We glance through the shipping container and stroll around the neighborhood. Across the street is a little shopping center (breakfast place, quick-serve fondue restaurant, a Crossfit gym and more). Diagonally across the intersection is a gas station and directly across from us is a Walgreens. Next door is a church building.

We stock up on groceries at Sprouts, a farmer’s market style store and park. It’s home and settled till after October…

Journal entry – 9 October 2015, Fri – Phoenix, AZ

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

We slept well with no disturbances throughout the night. After breakfast we head to a nearby (different) mall to hide from the day’s heat. Nearly 100! Wandered through both floors, bought some tea for Ashley, soaked up wifi at Starbucks and hit up happy hour at the Cheesecake Factory.

Eventually we headed to the lot near tomorrow’s meeting place. 3 other RVs are there. We pull in and get settled before going to chat with Mike and Bonnie, who will be managing this lot. They have been working here for 13 years now. Mel, the owner, is there as well so we get to meet him before he heads on home. Another couple came to chat, also.

Journal entry – 8 October 2015, Thurs – Phoenix, AZ

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

We watch our second movie from yesterday and then go see about extending our stay a second night since we don’t have to be in Phoenix for 2 more days. Park is already full so no such luck. We quickly pack up and head back into the mountains – me on the motorcycle and Ashley following with everything in the RV. A few miles up the road is a turn about/parking area just in the Prescott National Forest. We leave the RV there and motorcycle on up to Sedona.

Along the way we detour to the Red Rocks State Park but don’t feel like paying to get in. Beautiful country, though. We head into town but don’t stay long. A quick walk around does it for us – it’s very touristy.


Back to Jerome for lunch (since it’s on the way). Yesterday The Bordello caught our interest. A themed restaurant with fun names for their meals. I have the “Skinny Mistress” – a bison burger. Ash had a falafel pita – no fun name for her. Everything was delicious!


We head on after eating, load up the motorcycle and hit the road. Ash gets a nap while going down the interstate. Just 6 miles from Saturday’s meeting place we stop at Arizona Mills, a mall that very much feels like Opry Mills in Nashville. I buy some new jeans at Old Navy (about time) and we head back to the RV. Another one is parked near us so we’ll try spending the night.

Journal entry – 7 October 2015, Wed – Prescott to Jerome, AZ

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After a morning close to home (Ashley yogas and bicycle rides a bit while I work on a web business idea) we hop on the motorcycle for a ride over the mountains to Jerome. It’s an old ghost mining community turned artist town and our cashier and man behind us in line yesterday at Trader’s Joe said it was well worth the trip.


The ride over the mountains is a lot of fun and it’s a nice little town. We walk around and stop for a snack with a beautiful view over the valley.

Then we ride back toward home, returning and picking up a couple more movies for the night. What luxury!

We wonder if some of the well-known motorcycle rides will be a dissapointment. We’ve been on a lot of spectacular roads here recently, whether great views or just really twisty as they work their way up or down a mountain range, or both at the same time. Guess we’ll find out when we get to some of them.

Journal entry – 6 October 2015, Tues – Prescott, AZ

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Decided to head west to Prescott for a few days. So we packed up and headed that way. Drove past our campground and on into town for Trader Joe’s and RedBox. It’s raining steadily when we finish. Backtrack to the campground and move into our spot, which we’ve booked for two nights.

We top off propane and I hook up in the rain. Horray for rain gear! Great afternoon to enjoy some movie watching, so we do. We haven’t watched a rented movie in forever, what a treat!

Supper is finished as the sun is setting. We go outside for a better view.


Journal entry – 5 October 2015, Mon – The Grand Canyon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Last night we headed to bed early, so we both woke well before the alarm this morning. After breakfast we hooked up the trailer and hit the road. Out of the mountains we coasted, though the rest of the day was a long roller coaster of ups and downs as we head south.

Gas dropped from $3.19 to $2.44 in about 80 miles. It almost felt like there had to be a catch, besides the very slow pumps. But we were happy to see the change!

We have 6 days to make a 6 hour drive into Phoenix, so we stop in Flagstaff for wifi and coffee. I get some journal entries ready for Ash to review.

We mosey along and find a Passport America RV park and snag the last spot for the night. We throw our laundry in to wash and go jump in the pool for a few laps before warming up in the hot tub. Then luxuriously long/hot showers before switching the laundry out.

Big ole salads for supper. Apparently we’ve been craving some fresh greens as they were delicious! We finish laundry and then it’s movie time before bed.

Journal entry – 4 October 2015, Sun – The Grand Canyon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Not interested in the 15 mile ride in to the park, we decide to hike locally. Just down the road from us is Forest Trail #4, which T’s into the Arizona trail. We head south, toward the Grand Canyon.

It’s beautiful country, not what we expected to see in Arizona. Pine and Aspen forests interspersed with mountain meadows.


Only 6ish miles to the park border, but we didn’t make it (1.5 miles short)- pushed back by dark clouds and suddenly cool winds. A few drops of rain caught us but we mostly made it home dry.

After discussing waiting out 2 days of rain we decide to head out in the morning, looking for warmer weather or hook-ups to wait out the storm. Plus, with the possibility of storms we can’t get more than a day hike in to the Canyon, anyway.

Journal entry – 3 October 2015, Sat – The Grand Canyon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Time to go check out the Grand Canyon! After breakfast we hop on the motorbike and head into the park. We go straight to the Visitor Center/Lodge and hike out to Bright Angel Point and look down into the Canyon. Way down!


We worked our way back to the Lodge, where we picked up some coffees and headed out to the patio to enjoy the view. For being a 1-mile deep ditch, words just can’t express how beautiful the place is. I sketched a bit, as I’m not a good “sitter”.

After finally finishing our coffees we headed back to the motorcycle to explore out to Cape Royal. We headed out to the cliff’s edge and found a delightful step in the rocks where we sat and enjoyed lunch while on the edge of the world.


Then we walked over to the interpretive hiking trails and explored, checking out even more spectacular views, including seeing the Colorado River through the Angels’ Window arch. Ashley really enjoyed learning about the different plants that we passed from the signs. “Cliffrose, pinyon pine, juniper, sagebrush, fernbush” she would yell out as we passed by and she identified them. 


More motoring around lead us to Point Imperial. It’s pretty amazing to see past the Canyon(7 miles to the river from here, the highest viewpoint in the park) and on into flat lands. The contrast betwen the landscapes is fascinating!

We headed back toward home, stopping to top off the motorcycle gas – $3.19 a gallon. Not going to fill up the RV here!

I gather wood and prep a fire, but we end up not lighting it. It’s ready for tomorrow, then.

Supper, reading, and then bed.

Journal entry – 2 October 2015, Fri – Zion to the Grand Canyon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After a bit of a lazy morning we decide not to head up to the Kolob Canyons and instead go south, back to St. George. We buy some bulk nuts at Natural Grocers to make trail mix, pick up everything else at Walmart, and then go to the nearby 5 Guys Burgers to gorge on cheeseburgers, fries, and a shared Coke. Across the street is a self-serve frozen yogurt shop that we hit up for dessert. We’ve both been insatiably hungry the last few days and finally decided to give in. 

Delightfully stuffed we mosey along to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. After a stop at the ranger station for maps and advice we head in to the Kaibab National Forest to find a camping spot. It doesn’t take long before we’re tucked up under the pines and Aspens. Though we’re only a few hundred feet from the main road it seems as if we’re all alone. Fabulous!


Settled in, we go for a walk, exploring the trail past our home and then a trail down the road. We pass through mountain meadows and turn around when we intersect the Arizona Trail. We’re back up at nearly 9,000 feet elevation so it’s chilly once again. The last few months have had us yo-yoing between hot and cold constantly.


Back home we settle in for the night, reading. We hear some rustling under the cabinets and I make sure the mouse traps are both set. A few minutes later one goes off – the rustling stops. I empty and reset the trap, we continue reading and eventually head to bed.

Journal entry – 1 October 2015, Thurs – Zion National park

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After a bit of a slow morning we head into the park. Today we’re motorcycling up the Mt. Carmel Highway through the park. We zig zag up the switchbacks, affording a great view of the Grand Arch, and are soon at the 1.1 mile long tunnel. With no one behind us it’s a great opportunity to putter along and peek out the “Windows” into the valley. We’ve never ridden through a tunnel that long – very cool!


On the other side we continue on for a few miles, seeing what there is to see. This side of the valley feels completely different – more like the desert we expected. Eventually we U-turn and then stop for a few pictures, scrambling up a rock face.


Back down the road, we stop just before the tunnel to hike up to Canyon Overlook. We are sitting just over the Grand Arch, looking down into the valley. What a fabulous sight!


It’s lunch time, so we get in line for the tunnel and head back down, through the valley and into town for gas and to split a sandwich. Ashley checks out the menu at MeMe’s Cafe while I fill the tank and we dcide to go on to Cafe Soleil. Delicious sandwich! After eating we check out a couple of shops and then catch the shuttle in to the Hidden Canyon trail.


I wouldn’t say that it’s hard to find, but the trail is fairly steep and often quite narrow. Like Angels Landing there are a few times where a chain is bolted into the cliff face with sheer drops a foot or two behind us.

The Canyon is narrow, no more than 20′ wide, and we are very much walking up a dry creek bed. It’s filled with sand and boulders and bordred by vibrant green trees. The sand makes everything slippery and we have to scramble up rocks a few times. About 1/4 mile back we find a cute freestanding arch and a huge chunk of stone that looks like a sunken ship. We turn around at a particularly challenging rock scramble and head back down the trail to catch the shuttle.


While waiting for it to arrive, Ashley pours a sand dune out of each of her shoes. They didn’t work nearly as well nor were they as comfortable as our boots, which are still drying up on the RV’s roof.

When we return to the Visitors  Center it’s already closed so we mosey on home. We load up the motorcycle and then reassemble the awning. The wind gusts today pulled one arm apart. Tried leaving it set up, as low as possible, so to help keep the fridge cool. Won’t do that again!

Tomorrow we are heading along to the northern portion of the park to hike in and see the Kolob Arch.
We’re both hungry, have been all day. I scramble up a huge pile of potatoes, onions, sausage, and eggs. We eat and eat and are finally full.