Journal entry – 7 June 2015, Sun

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

What a delightful day of nothing! The predictions of rain came true and we took needed day off. It was rather enjoyable to wake up to rain on the roof, very much like a tin-roofed barn and have a leisurely breakfast while watching the neighbors pack up to leave (we got one of the last three spots available yesterday and by lunch it was nearly empty). Oh, the joys of being retired and not having to run off come Sunday for work the next day.

We lazed around, I went through some of the pages that had been collecting in my messenger bag while Ashley made up some cleaning supplies.

After lunch the sun popped out so we went for a stroll – checking out a historic cabin and the boardwalk down to Lake Michigan. We both felt the urge to go for a bike ride but agreed to fully take the day off.

We put together chili for supper and planned out the next few days, leading up to the U.P.
I wrote a post for and we read a bit before heading to bed.

Journal entry – 6 June 2015, Sat

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Using every blanket in the house we slept well – almost too warm! Slept late, till 9:15ish. Then a quick breakfast of oatmeal and hit the road – 25 miles later and we broke down camp and Ashley drove for her first time in the RV. She did great!

Stopped at ACE hardware and got the propane filled up. Apparently we have a 10 gallon tank.


Moseyed down the road to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Shoreline and the D.H. Day campground. Paid for 2 nights but I think we’ll stay for 3. Supposed to rain tomorrow which will be a good chance to rest for a bit. Plus, plenty of shore and trails to explore, and a reasonable rate of $12/night. No hookups but a dump site and water available.

           Rode another 25 miles, including up to the Dunes overlook. It’s gorgeous! Then a hot shower and sausages and taters cooked over the fire before having evening tea and heading to bed.


Journal entry – 5 June 2015, Fri

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

 Left Walmart in Holland, Mi, got gas and then on up to Lake Michigan Recreation Area in the Manistee National Forest. We thought, based on researching online that it would be free camping. Imagine our suprise to have a $21 fee for a basic tent campsite. There were only a couple of other campers here, however, so nice and quiet.

    Walked to the “Beach” which is sand dunes and hiked along it and then along the oods. Starving afterward, and cold. Grilled taters, turkey burgers, and asparagus and then ate by the fire. Then we ran inside and bundled up to stay warm. Propane is very low, so we won’t be turning on the heat – conserving it for the fridge.
Great day and should be a good bike ride tomorrow.

Journal entry – 4 June 2015, Thurs

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Truck stop/rest stop was right next to the interstate so very loud! Used ear plugs.

 Continued down the road to Chesteton, IN. Parked at visitor center and got in a 22 mile bike ride on a nice trail. It was gravel, so good thing we brought our mountain bikes with us. Detoured down a side road and walked along the beach below the dunes. It was a delightful diversion.

   Then we headed on up into Michigan – stopped at a Meijer for some food and RV stuffs. On down the road to a WalMart for the night. Gonna sleep here and hit the road in the morning.

Journal entry – 3 June 2015, Wed

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Breakfast at Mom’s and then hitting the road, again. Delayed start but nice to have a day spent with Gary and Mom. Stopped in Ferne Clyffe in Illinois where we rode bikes to the trail and walked down to what would have been falls if water had been running. Made some coffe and tea by the pond and then on to Indianapolis.

     Stopped at Camping World to pick up an RV-specific GPS and a new fridge-vent cover. Made supper in a parking lot aand on up toward Chicago. Stopped at a truck stop/rest area on I-65 for the night.


Journal entry – 2 June 2015, Tues

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.


Had a delicious breakfast and visit with Mom, Gary, Narma, Jim, and Tobey at the Gold Rush Cafe in Paducah and then back to Norma’s to get the RV. After running to Shop-O for trailer light bulbs and a marathon photo session, we hit the road in our RV.


Stopped for gas in Reidland and noticed that the front driver’s hub was hot. After pulling back onto the road the RV was pulling to the left.


Pulled in at the Southside Walmart and called around – finally found one mechanic who might be able to take a look at it tomorrow. Mom and Gary came out to look at it and sit with us. Drove to the mechanic (in Mayfield) where they had it fixed in about an hour – we lucked into them having the parts and an open bay to fit us in.

By this time it was late enough that we headed to Mom’s house, got a quick bike ride in and we all went to Carr’s Steak House – tasty!