On last night’s short walk we noticed an “extra vehicle” parking lot beside our loop in the campground. We asked the ranger if we could park there for the next two nights while visiting Redwood National Park. Alas, the answer was no because of liability. We had already made reservations for Thurs-Sat nights, 3 spots down from our current one. Because of the liability issues, we went ahead and paid for two more nights, two spots down. We moved in and had lunch before heading out.
With the motorcycle packed up, quite differently than normal, loaded with camping gear, we head back into California. It’s a beautiful ride, winding through the forested mountains along a river. We pass through the northern tip of the park and stop in the visitor center in Crescent City where we pick up an overnight backcountry camping pass for the Flint Ridge campground.
The ranger was funny – totally not politically correct. One of the creeks is flooded and the trail crossing is “ok for big people, but lighter ones could get washed away.” Likewise, Flint Ridge campground is only 1/4 mile from the parking area, compared to some of the further hikes, like the one that is 3 miles, “only real backpackers camp there.”
We head south to Flint Ridge and set up camp in site #8, the last one on the loop, so we’re tucked back into the woods by ourselves. Motorcycle unloaded and gear all tucked away, we head further south to fill our water bottles, since nothing is available there at the campground (though we do have a picnic table, metal fire pit, and bear box in each site and a community toilet at the entrance to the campground).
No luck until Orick, about 25 miles away. Even the southern visitor center is closed by now, so we stop at the gas station. I add to the gas tank while Ashley buys a gallon jug of water to pour into our containers. We head on back up the 101, heading for our campsite and supper.
We eat and then read before heading to bed.