Journal entry – 2 May 2016, Mon – Heading back to the ocean

Ashley isn’t feeling great, so I head into town on the motorcycle to pick up some items that she hopes will help stave off a UTI.

We pack up and head north to Eugene where we swing left to the 101 and work our way further north along the ocean. Using information from other travelers’ blogs we find a pullout that allows overnight parking. We’re parked just off the road, overlooking the ocean.

Parked along 101 in Oregon

The sun hasn’t quite set yet, so we walk the trails that lead from the parking area down to the water. There’s a unique feature here, the Spouting Horn, which is most impressive during storms or high tide. As the waves roll in, they press into a cave in the rocks that has a crack in the ceiling – forcing a spray of water to shoot up out of the rocks. Apparently we hit high tide, as it really does look like a whale’s spout coming from the rocks!

standing next to blowholestanding next to the Spouting Horn

We continue along the trail until it loops back to the parking area and then head back inside the RV for a bit of reading before bed.