Journal entry – 27 July 2015, Mon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Wake up earlyish and after breakfast I head in to town to Napa for fuses. They don’t fix the fridge so I work through a downloaded manual to troubleshoot. It points to the circuit board being bad. Power goes in but doesn’t seem to come out.


With no data signal I struggle to find information for dealers but Mom helps out. One place has the board in stock, so a motorcycle trip is in order to go pick it up.

Still no one at the pay booth this morning – maybe that means we got last night free. If a new board fixes the fridge we may well stay put till the weekend. There are a series of short trails that look interesting – but Ashley got a shin splint during the ride (I assume from the hike through Davenport on Friday) and we are going to let it rest for a few days so we might not make it onto them.


Didn’t pick up a geocache in Iowa while riding as I meant to – might run across the river to find one if any happen to be close by.

Also considering going to the movies. An old theater is Savanna is playing Minions, which I think we’d enjoy. Only one show day, at 7. Maybe tonight we can have a movie date.

Jump on the motorcycle for a 3-hour round trip back to the quad cities to pick up the circuit board. Hot ride. Upon returning we notice someone is in the booth so I go back to pay for 3 more nights. No mention of last night, so we get a 25% discount! They have a sign looking for new hosts so I ask about that out of curiosity. Free spot with full hook-ups and earn $1 a day. If we had signal available that might be a good option to sit still and work on a business idea.

Swap out the circuit board but no change on the fridge. Reset the thermisistor (if that’s bad it’s a whole new cooling unit to replace it) and nothing. There’s a cable I can’t reach that goes to the top of the fridge. Would like to test it on the other end.

Frustrated, I stop for supper and try again afterward. No luck, so I put everything back together.

Tea and watch a movie before going to bed.

Journal entry – 26 July 2015, Sun

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

We sleep in late, a glorious 8:00, and after breakfast begin prepping for the trip out. We plan to meander north to see what we find – maybe overnight in a WalMart and tomorrow morning call around to find a fridge repair shop with a spot for us.

The campground is full, we snagged one of the last 3 spots. Apparently they’re having a BBQ cook-off and everyone has a smoker going. Turn-in is at noon. If we knew there would be a tasting we might delay our start.

Our neighbor chats with us and suggests trying the Palisades State Park. Sounds good enough to us so we aim our GPS there.

We stop at WalMart for fuses (no luck) and some more groceries. It’s challenging to balance restocking with only having a cooler for storage.
Keeping an eye open for a parts store and half-open for a laundry mat on the road. The only of the former we spot is closed already and the latter is only noticed after we pass them.


The campground is large, spread-out, and most empty. We find a nice spot on a loop all to ourselves. Electric hookups but no water – a water spigot is nearby, however, as are dump stations. I can’t seem to catch anyone in the pay station so we settle in for an early supper and movie watching. We’re beat!

Journal entry – 25 July 2015, Sat – RAGBRAI Day #VII

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Up and at ’em – last day of the ride. We start just a couple of mintues after 6 (the crew beside us left at 5!) with Scott joining us. The first town is part of the urban sprawl, so the 2.9 miles never have us leaving the city to reach University Heights. We stop for breakfast – picking up breakfast burritos. I ate mine quickly and was both still hungry and also intrigued by the breakfast dumplings that I spotted so I got one to try. Unique and very tasty!


The next 3.2 miles took us through more urban setting and we didn’t realize that we passed through Iowa City until we were well past it. Somewhere along the next 21 miles to West Liberty we left Scott behind on a hill, but he caught us when we paused in town.

It was humid when we woke, plus the terrain was either nice and flat or rolling hills, so we were speeding along. Breezed through Atalissa, 4.9 miles, and again left Scott in the 4.9 miles into Moscow, and headed into Wilton 3.8 further – the day’s meeting town. We were hungry but also too hot to want anything to eat. I got a Bucca Wich, since I’d been seeing them along the trip. Half a sub loaf with saucy filling stuffed inside it. Delicious! Ashley settled on a hot dog.


A mile or so down the road we stopped at Beekman’s for another shared ice cream (chocolate!) to help us cool down. Still delicious, as was just sitting in the shade for a spell.

On to and through Durant, 5.7 miles further. Then paused in Walcott 7.6 miles away. Lots of activities going on in the next-to-last town, including human foose ball.


14.5 miles on to Davenport and a loop around Credit Island and dipping our front tires in the Mississippi River. Stopped and got some photos, holding our bikes up in celebration. We made it! Horray! Hard, but fun, and we finished strong.


Another mile or so away was the luggage pick-up, so we headed over to grab our bags and catch the shuttle back to the RV. Dropped bags in RV, loaded bikes on trailer and went into the air conditioned student center with the atlas to plan the next leg of our journey. Hot, tired and hungry, the easiest option is to return to the Hilltop Event Center for the night, with electric hookups and a pool, and then plan from there.

Scott just got into town and we plan on meeting for lunch before going our separate ways. Many of the vehicles are gone already, but one remains right next to us. We try a few options to get out of our spot and I try pulling forward, angling away from the entrance. Almost make it and the RV’s big behind swings wide and scratches the van’s paint. Argh! We leave our contact info under the windshield, a nice man writes a letter witnessing that it was just a scratch, and we head on to meet Scott.


Lunch was ok, not quite what any of us had in mind, but the conversation was delightful. Wrapping up he tours our home and we all head on our ways.
I receive an angry voice mail from the van’s owner and repeatedly call and text to get in touch with him. We stop at Walmart for groceries and head back into Illinois for the night. A week until the Guiney family reunion and roughly 100 miles to travel. Not sure where we’ll spend our time.

Finally hear back from the van owner who is frustrated because it’s an all-original 1972 van that lives in storage for the whole year except the week of RAGBRAI. He’s back out of the country tomorrow. While I feel horrible there is also nothing more I can do. He has our insurance number and contact info.

We set up camp and try getting the fridge working. No luck. Maybe new fuses on the circuit panel will help – will have to pick some up tomorrow.

I head in to town on the motorcycle for a bag of ice to put in the cooler. Ashley grabs a shower and calls our insurance to get the ball rolling from our side.

Pulling into town, it looks odd. Empty lawns. I have apparently grown accustomed to crowds and spectators as I ride in. Haha!

After the heavy lunch we have popcorn for supper while watching a movie.

Journal entry – 24 July 2015, Fri – RAGBRAI Day #VI

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Slept right through the concert with no problem and took out my ear plugs. The problem arose about 3am when I hear a generator running nearby and couldn’t find my plugs again. So I dozed off and on until the alarm went off at 5.


Busy morning – everyone seemed to be up and stirring already. There was a line for the porta johns, which is a first that early in the morning. Really pretty sunrise while packing up, though. We hit the road right about 6:00.


Didn’t take long to reach Whittier, 16.1 miles along, though I didn’t realize it at the time. Thought we had another couple of miles to go and that this was just a wide spot in the road. So we headed along until we found Farm Boys Breakfast.

There were only about 4 people in line in front of us, which is unheard of! We got breakfast burritos. I gave instrucitons on how I normally make mine – “I want everything, burritos aren’t supposed to close.” He did a great job, even managed to wrap it, but just barely!

Oh, we had picked up bananas at Walmart yesterday and ate one of those for breakfast before heading out. That and the burrito seemed to really fuel us well – the’re more like something we would fix for ourselves on a regular day.

Springville was only 3.3 miles away from Whittier so it was a quick trip after breakfast. When we pulled out of the breakfast stop there were at least 100 people in line, so we lucked out. The road was a lot less crowded too, so that was great. It’s a lot more enjoyable to not be fighting crowds.

Went through Springville pretty fast and headed on to Mount Vernon, 10.7 miles away, today’s meeing town. A college town, it was really nice with lots of cool architecture. We saw the Beatles, stopped for rhubarb crisp- and were curious about the rhubarb brats but didn’t try any and found “Fuel” a great-looking little coffee shope. Went in and grabbed a latte and a pour-over coffee. Running fast today, we sat in back (on chairs without pedals!) and enjoyed a delightful chat with John, a Brit who lives in Iowa and has ridden 17 of the last 19 RAGBRAIs!


He shared that, unless you’re racing, mountain bike clips are more than sufficient on road bikes, and that they would be really useful on long rides like RAGBRAI. Like everyone else, he was surprised and impressed that we’ve really only been riding for a year. Apparently that’s something rare. Also, our actual practice seems to be rare. It is a big time commitment to get the full training in, but we are so glad that we did! With a couple of rough days when we were tired, we never really hurt and today we’re feeling great.

John also had a different approach to the ride. First of all, he relay drives it. Use a truck and trailer for luggage and bikes – drive to a designated meet-up spot and the driver switches out with a rider and they continue on. So everyone gets to ride every day, at least a part. Secondly, they go off-route, visiting other towns. No lines for food or bathrooms and the town is so excited to see them because they’re otherwise bypassed. Tactics to remember for future visits!

We finished our chat and coffee and checkd the weather before heading out. Looks like rain in a few hours. Maybe we can beat it.

There was a group giving out Milkweed balls to throw on the road side while riding. Monarch butterflies migrate through the area and solely lay their eggs on Milkweed; the young only eat Milkweed. With agressive mowing and spraying the plants have dimisnished in number, causing Monarchs to do the same. Ashley picked up one seed ball and I received three. Along the route we later threw them off into other batches of wildflowers, hopefully helping increase the numbers of beautiful natural things.
Lisbon is 2 miles on, and Sutliff Cider 2.4 past. Barely slowed for them and took the 10.2 miles on to Solon. Stopped for a break – ate our second bananas, checked out bags and wallets made out of old bicycle inner tubes and headed on.
Coralville Dam was 15.2 more miles. It started to sprinkle on us just was we reached it. It was certainly neat to ride across the top of the dam that was lined with American flags. Just a shame it was raining.


Rained the remaining 5.7 miles in to Coralville. 65.6 miles total and the second hilliest day at 2,955 feet of climb. Lots of them were rolling hills and were fun to ride. Only a couple of long steep ones and only the one after the dam was rough as it was uphill from a flat start.

Arriving in town was confusing. I’m not sure they were quite ready for us and the rain didn’t help. I turned into the Expo area and rode across the red carpet before turning around to catch Ashley. Made it in to the baggage area where she caught me. Grabbed our bags and headed to the far side of the field to set them up.

Still raining, so we set up the rain fly and I held it against the rain while Ashley put up the footprint and tent underneath, keeping them dry. We crawled in and peeled off the wet clothes and swapped into dry ones.


Though it was windy still, the rain stopped soon. Ashley headed off for showers and I set up the hammock (finally!) and laid around for a bit.
When she got back we walked half a mile down to Tierra Coffee for a drink. Arrived in camp about 12:30 so lots of time. Split a cookie and had our drinks while topping off our phones and using the wifi. Finally finished our drinks and walked across the parking lot to see what New Horizons Co-Op had to offer for supper.

We were hungry, so everything sounded good. However, we finally settled on fresh-made sandwiches and split a pre-made salad. I picked up a rootbeer and we grabbed bananas for tomorrow’s breakfast. After paying we sat in the eating nook to enjoy our fare. We were definitely not disappointed!


After eating we sauntered back to camp. Ashley sat at the trolley stop, waiting for me and looking at route options. I went to drop off bananas, grab our water bottles and check that Scott found our tent – he had texted that he’d made it in and asked where we were set up. He had found us. We chatted for a few minutes and I told him about the co-op and library locations before going to meet Ashley.

She was only interested in one of the trolley routes, so we went on down to the main entertainment area on the bus. Perused a wine shop and then walked down the red carpet in search of popcorn. stopped at a first aid station for a band-aid – Ashley’s wet flipflop was beginning to irritate her instep. She thought it odd to have someone apply a bandaid for her; she’s pretty confident in her ability to do so, after all. 🙂


We settled on the free popcorn from the solar trailer. Neat set-up, with solar panels on the roof that power everything, including the popcorn maker. So it was solar grown, solar popped, popcorn!

Taking our dessert we headed back onto the main road to visit a Coffee and Wine bar. Ashley had a sangria and I settled on a lemonade. While sitting I sketched the scene out the window.


Finishing our drinks we grabbed the trolley back to camp. Ashley headed into the tent while I hopped into the hammock, which had become quite the clothesline in our absence. Journaled for the remaining sunlight then prepped for tomorrow and finally bed time. Took a bit to fall sleep. Not sure how much of that is due to the caffeine in the coffees, the sugar in the lemonde, or the band playing just on the other side of the trees.

Journal entry – 23 July 2015, Thurs – RAGBRAI Day #V

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Must have slept pretty well with the earplugs in – probably my best yet, actually. My big concern was missing the alarm but a) I was up just a few minutes before it went off and b) I pulled out one of my earplugs during the night, as I seem to tend to do.


We packed our bags and hit the road about 6:00. Hudson was 8.2 miles away and we were ready for breakfast. Ashley got a tasty yogurt parfait and I went for the Chris Cakes again. Since you can get free refills she ate half of my second plate. We both went by the line and got free bacon,  nice and thick cut – basically ham slices and with excellent flavor!


Before reaching LaPorte City (19.9 miles) we ran across Mr. Pork Chop. Apparently it’s a tradition to eat one of his chops but it always seems to be either too close to having eaten breakfast or lunch. We thought there would be a schedule so we could plan for tomorrow, but no such luck. Chops do look good, though, even if we might have to split one.


In LaPorte we slowed for photos and a Cliff Bar.


Then headed on to Mt. Auburn, 10 miles further. Cute little town where we snagged some more photos before meandering along. 


Vinton, today’s meeting town, was 8.3 miles further. We spotted a BLT booth that sounded great so we both got some wraps with Avacado in it. Never thought of a BLT wrap but it worked really well!


Shellsburg, the next town, 11.3 miles further, was celebrating the 100 year anniversary of it’s bridge across the river. We came in too late to get any cake but enjoyed a nice break and lay down for a few minutes.


Before too long we headed in to Palo, 5.7 more miles. We stopped in for a bag of frozen grapes and a spot of shade. Frozn grapes were a delight – they will make a great snack in the RV as well. We’re ready to be done for the day, though, so we move along. Tired and a bit hot, we are out of energy and ready to stop.


Hiawatha is 7.5 miles away, for a total of 70.9 miles and 2,377 feet of climb. Arriving in town we stop for free shaved ice. It really hit the spot in the heat. We sat in the shade and chatted with Tom who had a stroke a few years ago and now rides 200 miles a week but struggles to speak (but can sing. He sang a line of Amazing Grace for us.)

We headed in, set up camp in the sun and grabbed showers. I used the water faucet and Ashley hit up the shower trucks. I moved to the shade while waiting and ran into Scott.


Ashley got back and three of us went and found supper among the food trucks and then walked down to Walmart. I grabbed strawberries and Rolos for dessert. Darn tasty! We also picked up bananas for tomorrow’s breakfast.

Wrapping up, Ashley headed back to the tent to rest while Scott and I searched out the library. We plugged in to charge and use the wifi while enjoying the water and poweraid they were giving away. They closed just as I finished and before Scott was done so I headed on back to get ready for tomorrow while he scouted out another location to wrap up working.

As I got back a drunk couple began setting up right next to us. Other than fearing that they would fall on us (and they have already sat on our tent) it is sadly humorous.

Journal entry – 22 July 2015, Wed – RAGBRAI Day #IV

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Our neighbors (of a foot away) were early risers so I started being awake about 4:00. We got up at 5:00 and started packing. Temperature dropped last night so really dewy – the tent was soaked and my nose was stuffy.

Pretty sunrise and nice to watch the sky change as we packed (and for the first hour or so of our ride). We dropped off bags right before 6:00 and began pedaling.


8.8 miles to Steamboat Rock. Ashley got a breakfast scramble bowl and I spotted a toasted sandwich that looked delicious. On the hill into town I downshifted too far and pedaled so fast Ashley said I looked like a cartoon, spinning my legs furiously and barely moving.


Apparently we blinked and missed Cleves. Before we knew it 11.7 miles had passed and we were in Ackley. Stopping for bananas and a cheese danish we saw the Grinch walk by, little dog in tow. After eating we checked out the Cow Pie toss. Real cow pies – they did let you choose your own and provided gloves.


Austinville was 7 miles along, basically a wide spot in the road and we breezed on through. A mere 3.7 miles later was Aplington. The Peppercorn Pantry had some fabulous looking chicken salad croissant sandwiches, with fruit and tasty peach iced tea. We couldn’t pass up the carrot cake, either – everything looked so delicious!


That’s one bad part of the journey – we find some real gems and only get to try a sampling or have to pass it up. We split this meal and it really hit the spot!


On to Parkersburg (5.2 miles) the meeting town. Full, we basically walked through town. They had some cool bike sculptures in honor of the RAGBRAI. We did stop under a shade tree to catch a couple of songs by a pep band. Good music!


Rushing along to New Hartford 9.4 miles away we set in the shade for a rest and granola bar. Behind us were some fun yard games and Ashley and I gave one a try. It’s a mesh tube with dowel sticks poked though it, holding balls up. Take turns pulling out sticks and if you make a ball fall it’s yours. Player with the most loses. One of us won.


Apparently New Hartford is right next to a dam and they really played up their mascot, a beaver. Had shirts that said “You must be a beaver -picture of beaver- cuz dam!”


12.6 more miles and we rolled into Cedar Falls for a total of 58.4 miles and 1,644 ft of climb. Our shortest day of the week, and arriving at 12:00, our quickest day so far. We didn’t stop long at any of the towns and kept ahead of the crowds so we didn’t have a lot of long waits to contend with.


Snagged a spot in the treeline so it is nice and shady. Once set up we headed to the Rec Center for showers. Really nice facility and the showers were great.

There is a football field between us and the band stadium so it’ll be loud tonight with the concert. Fortunately we have ear plugs. When we headed out to the downtown area on the trolley the field was empty, though I’m sure it won’t stay that way for long.


Downtown was really recommended and has been great thus far. Great popcorn shop had delicious samples and we got some kettle corn to snack on while heading down to Cup of Joe, a recommended coffee shop. Great drinks (mocha and a vanilla latte) and a chance to charge and journal a bit while soaking up wifi.


A few blocks down is a great sounding build-your-own burger joint, think we’ll hit that up for supper before heading back to our tent.

Stopped for burgers at The Pump Haus, making sure we beat the crowd. They were just starting to grill out on the front stoop as we ordered. I piled mine with bacon, egg and avacado while Ashley went more traditional. Fries for me and tater tots for her. Oh, was it fabulous, and more than filling! Cost roughly the same as what we were paying from the trucksf or far more food. I let our phones top off while we ate and it timed out almost perfectly.


We took a stroll further down the block after eating and checked out more of Main Street. The art shop was closed, much to Ashley’s relief.

Reaching a gas station we looped back and visited Scratch Cupcakery. They came highly recommended and looked great. There were so many choices! Since I couldn’t talk them into giving out samples I fell back on a perennial favorite, reeses cup – chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and a reeses cup on top. Ashley went for Strawberry Rhubarb. White cake with strawberry frosting and rhubarb jam in the milddle, topped with pieces of fruit. They were both so tasty, and not overly-iced. The recommendations were definitely accurate.


As we wrapped up there was a trolley parked across the street at the stop. We hurried over and were just able to catch it.

Back at the school we meandered through the stalls at the shopping area and headed back to the tent. Ashley read for a bit as I aired up the bike tires and got ready for tomorrow. Chatted with a couple of guys for a while, until we were told that a fellow was riding with a parakeet and dog. This we wanted to see so we headed over for a brief visit.

Indeed, the dog rides along behind and the bird has a cage on the handle bars in place of a basket. The owner has a spray bottle to help keep them cool.


The others headed on to catch part of the concert while I went back to the tent. Watched a pair of ultralites tooling around while I got ready for bed.


The band was just getting warmed up as I prepared to turn in. I put in my ear plugs and thought I’d give it a try!

Journal entry – 21 July 2015, Tues – RAGBRAI Day #III

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

It got cold last night, down into the mid 50’s – had to use all of my blankets. Didn’t want to get out of bed. Ate a granola bar and a couple bites of peanut butter and were able to hit the road about 6:25.


Didn’t take long to reach Duncombe, 12.8 miles away. Great offerings for breakfast – we got some Chris Cakes. Someone mentioned pancakes yesterday and they’ve been sounding great ever since. Ashley’s got tossed to her – she caught all four of them! Plus, sausage and coffee made a great breakfast. I went back for a second round.


On to Webster City, 8.7 miles later. Beautiful town. Still full, we walked through and refilled our water bottles before heading to Boondocks, 15 more miles.


Stopped at the Flying J for a pit stop, saw a Tardis out in the parking lot (being mundanely transported, I suppose). They had Cinnabon samples – smelled and tasted delicious!


On to Williams, 1.3 miles further. Rode through and stopped for water just outside of town. Ate half a Cliff Bar and ran into a couple from Paducah riding a tandem!


Alden, 11 more miles, was today’s meeting town. We saw signs for a baked potato bar and that sounded great so we checked them out. Delicious and filling, and different from the usual offerings. Lots of food, with chili, beans, ham cubes, cheese, onions, sour cream, nacho cheese, jalapenos and broccoli to top them! We ate and chatted with a woman from Colorado whose son and his family (wife and 2 small kids) are traveling the world on a sail boat named Field Trip.


In Buckeye we sat in the shade of an apple tree, after 6.6 miles and finished the other half of our Cliff Bars. Then on the home stretch for the day.


Ashley wants this jersey

Along the way we stopped at one of the RAGBRAI institutions, Beekman’s ice cream. Home-made with old, old 2-cylinder engines. You can hear them before you see them. We got peach and split a large. Oh, was it good! Sat in the shade and ate it.


17.5 more miles to Eldora for 72.9 total with 1,325 feet of climb for the day. After missing our turn we looped back into camp and grabbed our bags. Set up camp next to a row of pine trees that would shade us in an hour or two. Our tent rain fly was soaked from last night’s dew and we spread it out to dry in the sun. Didn’t take too long.

Ashley grabbed a shower while I charged my phone a bit at the charging station. Next time we definitely need a solar charger to strap on to my luggage rack.


She ran into Scott in the school lobby and we coordinated for supper. St. Mary’s had chicken and cheese pasta which sounded good. Over a mile away so we rode on over. Served over 2 biscuits and green beans on the side. Our plates were over flowing. Carrots and tomatoes on the table and a slice of delicious pie (blueberry for Ashley and pecan for me). We definitely left full!

Scott went in to town for the evening and we came back to camp. Went in to the school to charge our phones

Always Have A Spare

This is the second in a series of posts sharing lessons learned while bicycling more than 1,170 miles in preparation for the RAGBRAI bicycle ride across Iowa. You can see them all here.

In 4 days Ashley and I had 3 flats on our bicycles. None of them were conveniently located right next to our RV. If we hadn’t had patch kits and/or spare innertubes with us, we would have had a long walk waiting us.

If you spend any time on a bicycle I recommend you carry a patch kit or a spare tube and any necessary tools. Taking a 30 minute break to fix a flat results in a much more enjoyable day than a multi-hour walk back home would.

Learn At Home

Trust me, learning how to do maintenance on the trail side is not very fun. And some places don’t have cell signal, so you won’t have the option of learning from YouTube like I did (and did you know that you can take tires and tube off of a wheel without tire irons? Me neither, until I realized that I had left mine at home.)

Familiarize yourself with the tools and skills while in the comfort of home, when you don’t need them yet. Future you will be immensely grateful.

An Ounce Of Prevention

There’s something to that old saying. Like cars, bicycles have a recommended maintenance schedule. Every time you go out, for example, you need to check that you have plenty of air pressure in your tires. Not oiling your chain every so often not only shortens the life of your chain and sprockets, but makes it harder to pedal!

There are a lot of bicycle maintenance checklists out there (like this one). Bikes aren’t complicated systems. You can learn to work on them yourself and save lots of headache later by ensuring that your routine maintenance is kept up.

Master Your Ride

Your bicycle is a vehicle. In order to keep it running optimally you need to be familiar with how it works, how to keep it working, and how to fix it when something goes wrong – and know that there are some things that will go wrong. Fortunately, parts and tools are relatively cheap and easily stored. And it’s easy to learn.

Here’s What I Carry (in case you’re curious)

Journal entry – 20 July 2015, Mon – RAGBRAI Day #II

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Woke up to rain on the tent in the middle of the night. Checked on everything and back to sleep. Still raining, harder, when the alarm went off in the morning. By the time it finished, though, we were still in the tent packing. Got our bags on the truck about 6:10, hit the porta Johns and on the road about 6:30.

Didn’t feel like a long trip into to Newell, 11.2 miles down the road. Swung in for an omlette – perfect timing! We were just under the awning collecting our fillings and it started raining. Cooked our omlettes and headed in to the bar next door to sit and eat. Rain came down harder while eating. It slowed a bit as we finished so we headed out, with rain jackets on, in the drizzle.

On the way, while approaching the railroad tracks, we saw a lot of flashing lights and emergency responders. The tracks were at a 45 degree angle to the road and were quite slipery so they were having us walk across them. We heard about a few wrecks that had happened already, so that seemed prudent to us.

Fonda was only 8.6 miles down the road. I was still hungry so I grabbed a pork tenderloin sandwich. Ashley munched on a Cliff Bar. It had stopped raining by now, but we wanted to air dry our jackets a bit more.

Everyone gets out for the festivities

Not too far down the road we were warming up with the sun peeking out so we stopped on the road side and took off our mostly dry jackets.

19.6 miles later we rolled into the day’s meeting town, Manson, the crater impact site from a million years ago. Lunch time, so we scouted out some chicken sandwiches and Thelma’s home-made ice-cream sandwiches. They were delicious and quite filling! After filling our water bottles we headed on our way. Hard to believe we’re 40 miles in already!


Rolled in to Clare, 15.4 miles, and stopped to eat our granola bars and sit for a few minutes in the shade. Listened to the DJ give people a hard time. Poor Greg requested Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girl” and everyone heard about the type of women he likes. Filled our water bottles and headed on out. 


Straight on in to Fort Dodge, 13.6 miles away. We clocked about 73 total today, with 1,308 feet of climb. Everyone was so friendly, cheering us on in. We grabbed our bags and set up camp in the outfield of the highschool. Windy, which helped cool things down.

After resting for a bit we got showers in the school locker rooms and laid in the tent rainfly’s shade. Walked down the road and found a church serving lasagna supper. Met up with Scott from the charter ride in and the first night and ate together. Everything tasted home-made. Delicious! Lasagna, salad, garlic bread and dessert.

A table-mate has ridden 26 RAGBBRAIs! He said that it changed in the early 90s, became more commercialized. It used to be that everyone who lived on the route had food and drinks for sale, and all of the churches had fund-raisers, mostly pie sales. Now they can’t do that – it has to be approved by the Register. And water stations have to be tested and approved – which is nice but also annoying.

Finished eating and we walked down through the vendor area. Scott went in to the mall to find wifi to get some work done and Ashley and I headed back.
Phone seems to have data so we updated Facebook a bit about our trip. Kevin and Jackie came by and we happened to spot them. Chatted a bit before they moseyed along to set up their tent.

Thoroughly enjoyed relaxing in the shade with a breeze. Journaled and prepped for tomorrow’s ride before bed.

Journal entry – 19 July 2015, Sun – RAGBRAI Day #I

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Woke up at 5 so we could leave at 6. Able to watch the sun rise while packing up. Dropped our bags off in the truck a few minutes past 6 and hopped on our bikes. Briefly debated dipping our back tires in the Missouri River but ended up missing the turn-in. So before we knew it we were on the road across Iowa!

Hitting the road

Our first stop was 6.4 miles away, Leeds, where we pulled off and bought some breakfast burritos and drinks. Delicious and a great way to start off the morning!


Ashley had a flat tire. Fixed it easily enough but couldn’t get the bead on the tire seated. Stopped and grabbed some free bananas and sent out a couple of free postcards – then managed to get her tire fixed if not completely aired up. A few miles down the road we stopped at someones house and got air from their compressor. Strangers, opening up their shop, offering shade, water, bathroom
and air. Pretty darn nice!

Next stop is 21.9 miles away, Kingsley. Very crowded going through town, had to get off our bikes and walk. Bought a Scotcheroo, mostly out of curiosity. Cornflake cookies that teasted like butterscotch with hard milk chocolate on top.


Washta was 14.9 miles futher. It was the meeting town for the day. We went to the library in the elementary school for water and bathroom break. Bought lunch from the fire department. Brats for me and a burger for Ashley – plus a split rhubarb pie slice.

Along the way we have seen a unicycle, numerous styles of recumbent bikes, and were serenaded by a woman in a kilt playing bagpipes – accompanied by a man playing a traditional-looking drum.

Next is Quimby, 5.9 more miles. The boy scouts were giving watermelon slices away. Cold, juicy melon really hit the spot as the heat was picking up.


At the top of a big hill a woman stopped on the side, pulled out a trumpet and played 2 renditions of some marching song. Really fun to hear as we pedaled up the hill!

We passed right by Hanover. As we passed a woman waved and yelled that “this is Hanover!” It looked like just another booth set up on the roadside.


Then we headed into Storm Lake, our stop for the night, a total of 27.4 miles from Quimby. 76.5 total for the day, with 3941 feet of climb. Fortunately, only a few of those hills were really long and steep – we definitely trained on worse! This is both the longest and most incline for a single day all week. Made it in about 3:40.


Picked up our bags and set up camp close to the drop-off trucks. Scouted out water sources and bathrooms, then headed over for showers. Felt delicious!

Meandered over to St. Mary’s school for a spaghetti supper. Pasta, salad, garlic bread, and pie. Ashley got apple and more rhubarb for me. Delightful conversation with a couple of guys on the Air Force riding team.

Wandered around, past the swimming area, the band for tonight’s concert, and the vendors. Saw some cool wooden statues, a couple of hot air balloons, and an ultra-light flying over the lake.


We were a little surprised at the accidents. Saw one tandem bike at the beginning of the day with a bent front wheel – looked like it hit or was hit by a car. Another man’s front wheel got stuck in a crack on the road and he flipped over the handle bars. Plus a couple of ambulances passed us along the way. Out of 20,000+ riders, accidents are bound to happen, I suppose.


It is amazing how many people that is! You can sit for 30 minutes and have a steady stream of bikes pass you, stretching out of sight for both ways. These little towns (some 300 or less in population) are flooded. And the others swell to their limits.