Up and about a touch early – off to explore the coffee shop/eatery “Bead & Berry” for breakfast. It’s just across the street and everything on the menu looks delicious – they’ve been closed all weekend for the holiday, however, and this is our first chance to test them out. We thoroughly enjoy coffee and our food.
Back to Mashley’s Fireworks Lot. We bring out the combination packages (the most expensive items, left locked in storage until the last minute in case someone hops the fence and grabs things during the night) and wait for the fire deputy to arrive and ok our setup so that we can legally be open for business. Mel comes by to be here for the inspection as the city’s been giving him a bit of a hard time about this lot.
We have a couple of customers come by before the inspection and make a few dollars. Once the inspection is over and we’re ready to go (it was pretty straight-forward and painless for us) we’re open for business. A few people have stopped by thus far.
Ashley went back over to Bead & Berry to grab some lunch. We have left-overs from last night’s tacos for supper but no idea what to make otherwise so this gives us a chance to try out their lunch offerings.