Slept in late – it’s going to be cold up in the mountains – then bundled up and rode up to Lassen Volcanic National Park. The main road through the park is still buried underneath feet of snow, up to 9, and thus is closed. There are two entrances on the west side and today we head to the northern one. We park at the (closed) visitor center and hike around Manzanita Lake. Beautiful views of Lassen Peak from the opposite shore, reflected in the water. At least as far as we can tell, as the mountain is playing hide-and-seek in the clouds. Along the way we spot a bald eagle zig-zagging back and forth across the lake, heading from tree to tree.
Back at the motorcycle, we continue on up the road as far as we can go, ending up in the Devastated Area parking lot. There we stop and fix coffee on the Jet Boil to enjoy while I sketch the peak, or try as it continues playing peek-a-boo in the clouds.

Currently the end of the road

sketching Lassen Peak

Modeling Lassen Peak

footprints leading to rock poking out from snow

Lassen Peak hiding in clouds

Lassen Peak
Finishing our coffee and sketches, we pack up and head back down to the RV just north of Redding, about an hour ride.