Journal entry – 8 Apr 2016, Fri – Rainy cooking day

Forecasting rain so we plan for inside fun. With a borrowed car for the day we head into SLO and grab coffee at a new shop while looking at trail maps for Sequoia and Kings Canyon Nat Parks. Plan out a couple of trails/features we don’t want to miss and decide on a campground to stay at while visiting.

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On the way back to the house we pick up some groceries and then it’s time for fun in the kitchen. Karen has a book of soup recipes and we’ve picked out one for supper – it’s a modified chicken noodle soup, with cinnamon and allspice and more. Ends up being delicious!

Once the pots simmering Ashley breaks out the kitchenaid and makes cookies. They’re a nice surprise for everyone after the tasty soup.

Journal entry – 7 Apr 2016, Thurs – hike up to Oats Peak

Looks like it’s going to be a great day for a hike, so we head back into Montana de Oro State Park to the Oats Peak trail. 5.4 miles each way, up into the mountains, toward the highest peak in the park. Everything’s still nice and green but pretty much the whole trail is views of the hills so not a big change of scenery to enjoy. There was no breeze until about halfway back so the warmth of the sun really heated up the day.

Great view from the top of the peak – 360 views of the mountains around us and the ocean peaking through between the valleys to our west. We stopped and ate lunch there.

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Saw three rattlesnakes, two on the way up and one on the way back down, almost in the campground. Also spotted two garter snakes leaving the trail ahead of us.

rattle snake


Journal entry – 6 Apr 2016, Wed – Pedals and Food

After Karen headed off for work we hopped on the bicycles and set out for a ride. Another loop down Turri Road and then through town a bit before turning around and heading back to the house.

The tri tip is still marinating so that’s the plan for supper. We swing by the grocery store for some things and put together sides for tonight. Jim fires up the grill when he gets home and everything ends up being absolutely delicious. Matt comes and joins us for supper.

Journal entry – 5 Apr 2016, Tues – Motorcycling to Avila

Ashley and I have a lazy morning before hopping on the motorcycle and heading across the mountains to Avila. Joni recommended a route for us (she used to live on one of the roads) and sentiments were echoed by Jim and Karen, so we couldn’t pass it up.

What a beautiful road, winding up and over the mountains, with fabulous views of Morro Bay and the Rock, along with the green hills in-between! The recommendations did not disappoint!

In Avila, we parked and walked out on the pier. Beautiful blue water, a couple of harbor seals, and gorgeous rocky cliffs.

Tried to go back to the Avila Valley Barn for apple cider and roasted corn, but they’re closed on Tuesday and Wednesday! Alas… Back into town for a shared smoothie that we enjoyed while walking past the shops.

Headed back home. I napped while Ashley put together a salad for tonight’s supper. There’s a tri-tip marinating in the fridge. Jim ends up pretty busy with work, however, and we decide to save the grilling for tomorrow. The salad is delicious as supper by itself.

Journal entry – 4 Apr 2016, Mon – Ocean Fishing on the Princess

Matt arrives at 6 to pick us up for a day of fishing out on the ocean. He’s off work and invited us to join him for a 3/4 day trip. We’re awfully excited – this will be completely new for both of us! Plus, this gives us a chance to hang out with him and really get to know him better.

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We stop at the tackle shop for permits and then load up on the boat – the Princess, which we spotted while kayaking on Thursday. Matt’s got more than enough gear so he’s loaning us some for the day. The boat heads out – it’s foggy for the entire trip – without being able to see land or horizon I get pretty queasy, which doesn’t let up until I get sick in the head a bit later.

Our first stop is a bust, with no bites for anyone, though the second is hot for a few minutes. Ashley and I both catch doubles, one fish on each of the two hooks strung on our line. Success! We’re using bait casters, a new type of tackle for us, so there’s a bit of a learning curve, but so far so good!

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We move around a few more times and don’t have a whole lot of luck, but have a great time trying! Our last spot of the day really proves to be successful and between the three of us we catch 22, more than enough for supper tonight.

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On the way back into the bay the crew filleted the catch for everyone who wanted it. We watched them work, watching the seagulls fight over scraps as we went.

2016-04-04 14.45.30

Bionic Pelican

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Back at the harbor, once everyone else left and our fish were prepped, Matt gave us a tour of the boat. Up in the wheelhouse, down in the engine room, and into the bunkhouse. Very cool to see “behind the scenes” of the boat!

At the house, we grab a shower and start laundry. Jim and Karen return home from work, Matt comes back over, and his girlfriend, Marial, arrives as well. Matt sets about cooking the Ling cod he caught as an appetizer – it really does taste like lobster, amazing! I put the jalapeno poppers he picked up in the oven as he preps for fish tacos. All of our rock cod is coated in egg and instant potato mix and pan fried. Delicious tacos!

Ashley shows Marial our photos while Matt catches a nap in the recliner. Jim, Karen, and I look for the missing paint sprayer – I guess we won’t be painting the book shelves tomorrow after all. Matt and Marial head out as the rest of us settle in to watch the final movie in the Hunger Games series.

Journal entry – 3 Apr 2016, Sun – Big Sur

After breakfast we packed up and headed up the coast along the 1 toward Big Sur. We stopped in Cambria to visit Wally – the dog they rescued and had for a month before he was adopted. What a friendly dog, and Noah, the owner, seems like a fabulous fellow for him.

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On up the coast, we stopped and checked out the Elephant Seals. Sprawled out along the shore line we watched and listened for some time before continuing on.

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Everywhere was packed, as we seem to be visiting right in the heart of spring break. Fortunately, we were able to get into the park itself. We gaped at the Redwoods, wandered memory lane while exploring the campgrounds, hiked the riverside trails and enjoyed a coffee break in the lodge restaurant.

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On the way back down, we stopped at Nepente, a restaurant sitting right on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. What fabulous views and delicious food!

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While there, Matt calls and offers an adventure for tomorrow. We’re going ocean fishing with him on his day off!

We’re losing light fast as we head back south. Fortunately, the crowds seem to have dispersed so we are able to make good time. A quick stop at Ragged Point allows us to see the last of the sunset over the ocean and cliff shore before continuing on.
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Journal entry – 2 Apr 2016, Sat – Karen’s Day

Jim, Karen, Ashley and I headed out, basically across the street, to Celia’s Garden Cafe for brunch. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed a delicious breakfast before heading next door to the garden center to stroll through their exhibits.

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Daniel called and we rushed back to the house to see him off. Unfortunately, he was called back to work and had to head out right then.

Jim had some planning to do for the upcoming work week, so he stayed at the house while Karen, Ashley and I headed out for some exploring before heading to the movies. We toured through Avila with some highlights pointed out for us to check out when we motorcycle over (per Joni’s suggestion). On the way over we stopped at the Avila Valley Barn – we arrived just as they were closing up shop, however, and didn’t get to experience the roasted corn that they’re infamous for. We settled for other options from their quick-serve restaurant. A salad for Ashley, wrap for Karen, and some Cashew Curry Chicken Salad for me. Pretty darn tasty!


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On to the movies, where we watched the first half of Allegiant, the last part of the Divergent series.

Journal entry – 1 Apr 2016, Fri – April Fools Fishing

Ashley, Jim and I wake up early and head out at 5:15, aiming for Lopez Lake for a day of fishing. Timing seems to be about perfect as we arrive just a couple of minutes before the gates to the park open. Listen to turkeys gobble while getting the boat ready as the sky begins to lighten. We launch the boat and head out to see what the Bass are up to. Not much, apparently, as we don’t get a bite all day long. Ashley and I’s first attempt at Bass, so we learn a lot and have a great time. But what a beautiful day it is! The sky is blue, the hills are green, and it’s just a wonderful day.

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We stop for a coffee break, firing up the JetBoil to heat water while tied up to a dock. Jim really enjoys the easy of using the stove and the satisfaction of having hot coffee freshly made while out and about.

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Later in the day we tie to a tree and let some nightcrawlers play in the water as we eat lunch.

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I discover a Bomber “A” lure in the tackle box – fun to find something from my Commonwealth/Pradco days out in real life.

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We might not have caught anything, but the day was anything but a bust. What a fabulous way to pass time!

2016-04-01 13.58.50


Daniel and his girlfriend, Sophie, were at the house when we returned. We chatted for a bit before they headed out for their supper plans. Ashley finished putting together a slide-show of highlights from our trip thus far. Matt joined us for supper and we shared our photo collection.

Daniel and Sophie returned and we showed our photos to them as well.

Journal entry – 31 Mar 2016, Thurs – Kayaking Morro Bay

We loaded Jim and Karen’s kayaks up on our trailer and headed out to the bay for some morning kayaking. Parking was easy in the boat parking area next to the launch ramp and we were quickly out in the water.

Ahead of us we spotted an otter swimming on its back with pups on its stomach. Plenty of seals and sea lions were seen, especially along the floating dock out in the bay. We paddled up the bay toward the mouth, spotting the Princess, one of the boats that Matt runs.

Kayaking in front of the Rock

Kayaking in front of the Rock

Seal following us

Seal following us

seals and sea lions on floating dock

seals and sea lions on floating dock

Crossing the bay, we head back along the sand spit. We find a good spot to climb up on the sand and pull the kayaks up far enough that they’ll be safe. So many sand dollars! We’ve never seen them not white – these seem purple and almost look fuzzy, like felt, though they feel rough and sort of like sand paper. We cross over the dunes, heading toward the open ocean to eat lunch. A solitary surfer is playing in the waves and we watch while snacking.

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Heading back across the spit the surfer catches and then passes us, running! with his board under arm. He reaches the bay and gets in his kayak, towing his surfboard behind him.

We take to the water once again and continue on up the bay, watching the animals and looking at the various boats moored in the bay. One of the sailboats is from Sequim, WA (it’s about an hour north of Jackie, and we’ve visited it with her).

Back at the house, I grab my fountain pens from the RV. My dip pen ink seems to have spilled and I end up cleaning the entire top tray of my art tool box out. Easy to clean but time-consuming to wipe down everything in there. While I’m at it, I clean the fountain pens as well. They’re far overdue.

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