Journal entry – 8 July 2015, Wed

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

For breakfast Ashley made banana cakes and the last of our bacon. Jim thoroughly loved them! We are definitely used to eating breakfast and feel it when we don’t.

After eating we take the RV to the ACE hardware to get the propane refilled. All the way down to E so not a bit too soon.

Back at the cottage we decided to hop on the bikes and head in to town to read and write at one of the coffee shops for a change of setting and to give Jim and Joni a day without us hanging around. Rode over to Oconomowoc and parked our bikes downtown. Walked up and down main street, exploring. Decided to visit the gelatto shop, where Ashley got a creme brule latte and I got a drink – Italian hot chocolate with an espresso shot and topped with whipped cream. So good it required a spoon!


We walked over and perused the outdoor store, Sherpers. Found a lot that we wanted but nothing that we couldn’t live without so we moseyed along to the coffee shop where we split a hummus platter. Then back home to get ready for the night’s date.

Finally we had scheduled a meet-up with the Tuftees, our friends from the Bahamas trip that happen to live in Oconomowoc and whose daughter will be attending UK this fall. Small world!

It was so great to see them! We met up at Vino’s for a drink before heading to the band shell in the park to watch the American Legion band play. Their son, daughter and Heidi’s dad are all performers. They put on a good show and we thoroughly enjoyed watching it!


Afterward we went to the Crafty Cow for a bit to eat – with some delicious stuffed burgers and fries. We were among the last to leave – it’s just hard to part with good company!

They are heading out to the Beartooth Mountains this weekend, so we asked about itineraries and may well incorporate their route into our own, as we’ll be heading generally that direction in about a month.

Overall, a fabulous day!

Journal entry – 7 July 2015, Tues

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Woke up and had a quick breakfast so we could hit the trail early and knock out the day’s bike ride. Looking for something different I struck off on a route we hadn’t visited before, much to our chagrin. Busy road facing into the wind with no destination to speak of. A few miles later we u-turned and detoured into Oconomowoc and returned to our usual trail. Ashley in particular wasn’t feeling it. We stopped back at the coffee shop in Delafield and split a mango smoothie before heading home.


Went out with Joni, exploring. Took a wrong turn and ended up off-roading the car onto hospital grounds via a mulched walking path. Checked out the Ben Franklin craft store and got some mill end yarn – nice and cheap so we can knit and crochet some practice projects without feeling bad about messing anything up. Stopped at the grocery store for dinner ingredients and then the RV for the crockpot and cans for another meal. Propane is almost empty so will have to top that off tonight or tomorrow.

Back at home Joni gets supper going, Ashley starts knitting her first piece in-the-round, an infinity scarf, and I began crocheting a head band.

Supper was delicious – baked tilapia, baked taters, home-canned pickled beets and sauted spinach. After a bit we headed out to The Kiltie, a drive-in diner with delicious home-made custard, for sundaes. In accordance with their name, the bell hops all wear plaid kilts.

Once we finished eating Jim took us around for a bit of a drive before heading home – checking out some new neighborhoods.


At home, I finished the headband and began crocheting a basket. Joni and Ashley were both knitting. Jim asked if we had started a knitting club.

Journal entry – 6 July 2015, Mon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.
Woke up to the alarm and made coffee and breakfast. Jumped on the bicycles and hit the road. We have 65 miles to ride, our longest intentional trip yet. First we swing by the RV and top off the tires and grab a backpack. Then on into Delafield and out the bike path.

We circle around a lot and are running out of steam around lunch time so we hit up the Trader’s coffee house in Delafield. I grabbed a donut and we had sandwiches and lattes for lunch. Everything was delicious and we felt much better afterard. Plus, we couldn’t have timed it better. While we were placing our orders it began raining, but it had stopped by the time we finished eating.

As our ride drew to a close we headed to the Pick-n-Save grocery store to pick up ingredients for tonight’s supper. We bought just the right amount – almost couldn’t carry it all, but did manage to get it to fit – with the final onion stashed in my spare water bottle holder.

Arriving home we began assembling chicken kabobs. Supper was not only good looking but also delicious! After the long ride, I don’t know that Ashley and I could get enough to eat, but we certainly tried.

Journal entry – 5 July 2015, Sun

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Pretty lazy day. Apparently the last couple of late nights wore us out. Planned on bike riding but ust couldn’t quite make ourselves get out and about – so we will get up early tomorrow for a long ride.

We enjoyed reading – I am loving “Blue Highways.” Jim recommended it a few days ago and then brought a copy home as a surprise for us. I’m pretty sure I could highlight a quote on almost every single page. Ashley is still working through the Sword of Truth series.

Ashley did yoga out on the pier while I hung out in the hammock. I got some good writing done – have a few articles waiting for my editor to proof. Swam for a bit.

Before supper Ashley, Jim and I went for a short bike ride down a new road. We all scrounged up someting to eat and then watched “In the Heat of the Night.” Really enjoyed it – interesting to see the difference in how movies are filmed.


Journal entry – 4 July 2015, Sat

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After last night’s festivities we slept in late. Had coffee on the porch, soaking up the morning sun. Then it was time to hit the road. We’re switching up our training plan for the week due to the holiday events – so for today we’re aiming for 30ish miles and hit 22. Paused in Oconomowoc to walk through the farmer’s market, though we didn’t have any cash with us. Then back to the cottage to begin preparing for tonight’s 4th party at the Merz’s house.

Joni was baking so to prevent traffic jams in the kitchen Ashley grabbed a shower while I hopped in the lake for a cool-down swim. After drying off in the sun on the pier I headed to Piggly Wiggly for bacon. Joining everyone else in the county, apparently. Only having one item allowed me to jump up and check out at customer service.

Ashley had begun baking cookies when I returned and with her and Joni both working it was full in the kitchen so I stayed out of the way and got some journaling and typing done.

Once they wrapped up I jumped in and put together the jalapeno poppers.

When everything finished we all headed over to the Merz’s. We had a fabulous time: food was delicious (ribs, sausages, and more) and everyone was so welcoming and friendly. Their whole family is just great!

We went out on their pontoon a couple of times and even got to see the boat parade while we were out.

As it grew dark we settled on the neighbor’s boat-house deck to watch the fireworks. We could see 3 sets over the trees, in addition to what the neighbors were shooting off. Great show and a fabulous way to see it!

After returning home Ashley and I sat out on the pier for a bit and watched the lights on the lake. Boats returning home, a couple of houses launching fireworks and across the channel someone was releasing chinese lanterns.

We are definitely blessed to have this adventure and to share it with such fabulous family and friends!

Journal entry – 3 July 2015, Fri

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Slept in a bit late this morning. After reading some during coffee we headed to the YMCA with Jim. Ash and I did some pullups and dips, then situps while tossing a medicine ball. Finally we headed to the pool and swam some laps before relaxing in the hot tub. Jim was waiting for us when we were done. What a great way to start the day! If we could find more Y’s like this one, which is super nice, we would definitely consider getting a pass. Might be worth looking up locations to check it out.

After heading out we checked out a couple of spots to temporarily store the RV over the busy weekend. The Parrish that Grandma Mare was a member of (Saint Joan of Arc) is happy to let us borrow a few spaces and is near-by. Looks like a winner!

We have lunch of fried eggs on home-made bread with salads (topped with Joni’s wonderful pickled beets) then read out on the porch. After a bit Ash and I grab some last things from the RV and Jim and I move it over to the parrish for the weekend. After returning we tuck our trailer back in their parking spot beside the house, with enough room to pull the car in behind it.

Joni and Ashley have planned dishes for tomorrow’s party and so the three of us head to Costco to pick up a few things. The day before the 4th weekend, they’re packed but have lots of samples out. We load up. After a quick stop at the Pick-n-Save we head home. Ashley puts together a fruit salad while I hang the hammock up.

We lie in the hammock; reading, journaling, and watching everyone out on the lake. After a bit we get cleaned up for a rip into Milwaukee. Ashley remembers a photo that Jackie posted of an Ethiopian meal she had while visiting and is curious to try it. Jim went to Ethiopia with the Peace Corps and loved their food. This restaurant, Alem, is his favorite here in the states. They know the owner, Mulu, and she knows them. She and Jim converse a bit in Amharic.

We have a glass of honey wine and all share a pot of spiced tea. Meals are typically eaten with tea or coffee, or a grain alcohol. They don’t use utensils, instead scooping up bites with bits of a flat bread that is fermented and fried on a griddle, like a crepe. Ashley and I’s meals came out on a shared platter, with another of the bread underneath everything, soaking up the juices.

Everything was so tasty! Lamb, beef, chicken, lentils, and collard greens. And it was fun to eat with our hands. We may have to look up some recipes for those lentils.

After finishing we walked down toward the lake and found a spot for the fireworks show. We had plenty of time to sit and chat before dark. After a few pyrotechnic “light checks” the show began. The fire-works were great and lasted nearly an hour! During the show the moon rose, big and full and red, tucked under the wing of the Milwaukee Art Museum. Beautiful and perfect for Independence Day.

Traffic on the way home wasn’t bad at all and we all fell asleep rather quickly.

Journal entry – 2 July 2015, Thurs

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

What a glorious day! Ashley and I woke, had coffee and a snack and hopped on our bikes for the day’s ride. There are some great bike trails in the county and we circled through a few areas on our trip. While exploring downtown Oconomowoc we spotted a sign for free yoga on the green Wednesday and Friday nights, with free paddleboard lessons following on Fridays. So we have a plan for tomorrow evening, since we’ve been wanting to try out paddle boarding.

Along the way we saw two baby bunnies, some grey heron/stork birds, and even a fawn from only a few feet away! Stopped at the park for some pullups, pushups, and dips.

Shortly after we returned to the cottage, Jim arrived with chicken salad and croissants. Delicious!

In addition to baking, Joni also cans. She rounded up some samples to aid us on our journey. So tucked into the RV is some tomato soup, tomatoes, bread and butter pickles, beets, and cranberry relish!

After multiple attempts Joni was able to catch Jake, their neighbor, and arrange to borrow the pontoon boat. We packed up food and prepared to head out on the lake to explore by water.

There are some beautiful homes along the shore. As much as we enjoy admiring them, however, the cottages (and even the boat houses) appeal to me more. Since it was during the week, traffic was light and we explored at our leisure; we saw Joni and Jim’s old house, the sandbar in the middle of the lake, heard stories about frozen water, and visited a great swimming spot. The water was comfortably brisk and we enjoyed paddling around.

After lying in the sun to dry off a bit we continued meandering along the lake shore. We saw where the Elvis statue used to be and some more gorgeous houses! We saw a guy “Flyboarding” hooked up to a jetski with an air skateboard. He was doing flips in the air. Pretty cool!

Upon arriving back at the dock we prepared to clean up the boat. No sooner had we disembarked than Jake came over to get the boat before we could clean it up. Per Joni’s instructions, Ashley told him “Thanks, Uncle Jake!” He loved it!

We gathered ingredients and threw together a chicken and veggie stir fry. It was delicious!

After discussing movies we decided to find something to watch. Settled on American Sniper, which Ashley and I had not yet seen. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

Journal entry – 1 July 2015, Wed

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

Even after the late night I woke up before the alarm sounded. Took my water out to the porch for some journaling before the house began stirring. Shortly thereafter Jim was up and about and he showed me how to use the machine and I made an espresso.

Ashley awoke soon and made herself a latte. Once we all finished our java we hopped on the bicycles for a morning ride. We took a different route this morning, visiting Oconomowoc and stopping for coffee and tea at a shop in downtown Delafield.

While there I asked Jim about his various work history, since I have heard bits and pieces through stories but not enough to be able to completely piece it together. I’m so glad that I did – how fascinating! What a variety – from Peace Corps in Ethiopa to one day of milk delivery boy, screw salesman, tree service (where money really does grow on trees), and finally a headhunter.

We both have such interesting families. I’m so glad that we’re taking the opportunity to finally take them up on their repeated offers to come and visit!

After story time and coffee was finished we continued along our ride, stopping by Jim’s YMCA for a tour. What a nice facility! Definitely worth stopping by later – for a swim, if nothing else.

We meandered our way home (though not by the house on the island from last night). Once there Joni gave further instruction on the espresso machine, with more detailed instructions on steaming the milk. We had a brunch of bacon and eggs, along with some of Joni’s delicious home-made apple sauce and bluberry-lemonade jam.

Appetites sated, Joni took us for a car tour of the area. I got to see their old house on a different bay of the lake, we drove through downtown (which looks like it will be a delightful place to walk and explore on foot) and even managed to find a new-to-her farmers’ market where we picked up some delectable strawberries, eggs, and veggies. Joni tried a cherry to determine if it was sweet or tart. Definitely tart – her face was priceless!

Then we headed back, as she and Jim had some errands to run. Before leaving, she and Ashley put together some bread dough, letting it rise while they were gone.

Ash and I ate leftovers out on the deck. I sent off some emails to potential sponsers for the RAGBRAI. Ashley did yoga out on the pier while I caught up on journaling and listened to conversations on a local repeater – mostly with a guy out on a bicycle!


After Joni and Jim returned the girls checked on their dough – forming it into two braids and letting it rise again. We all chatted while the bread baked and tentatively made plans for tomorrow.


Once the bread cooled we sampled a slice with Joni’s blueberry-lemonade jam. Success! Tastes as good as it smells and looks! Snack completed we head to bed, pausing before lying down to take in the beautiful view out the window at the foot of the bed in the loft – the lights on the deck are lit up, as are the buildings across the lake.


Journal entry – 30 June 2015, Tues

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After breakfast we head down the road to visit Holy Hill, passing through Hubertus, WI. Not only are there 14 sets of sculptures depicting Christ’s crucification but the cathedral itself is gorgeous. We walk the 187 steps up to the top of the tower. Already up on top of a hill, the view from the tower is beautiful! We could see for quite a distance, even though it was a cloudy day.

Once we finish our visit I call a church near Joni’s to see if we could borrow parking for a week during our visit. The person we need to speak to is on the other line so I leave a message and we mosey along toward Joni’s. She has come up with a couple of options for us – either the nearby Piggly Wiggly or, if I think we can fit, in their front parking lot at the cottage.

After looking I definitely believe we can fit, so we bring the RV in and park it in front of the cottage, with the trailer parked separately over in a corner. We love their cottage on the lake – it’s got plenty of room for two, a beautiful view of the lake, 10′ from their window.

Jim and Joni toured our RV, we tour their house, and generally chat and catch up.

We had a delicious beef tenderloin for supper and after dishes go for a bike ride with Jim – showing us some sights from around Okauchee  Lake.

After showers Jim heads to bed and we sit up talking with Joni. She showed Ashley some stitches on the knitting needles. I finished crocheting the last of my ball of string – will have to dig some more out. Sleeping on the air mattress up in “Jackie’s loft”.

Journal entry – 29 June 2015, Mon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

I do believe that I caught Aunt Joni off guard on the phone today. We are only about a 3-hour trip away from her, so we could arrive this afternoon. Of course, that doesn’t mean that we have to arrive then, or that if we did we would have to come to her house. (One of the advantages of living like a turtle.)

While on the phone we discussed options of places to park, our thoughts and suggestions that she has. She also suggested that we visit the Holy Hill church in Hubertus.

Scheduled to head her way tomorrow, we have all day to meander a bit further south. So we start off by sitting still. I finish uploading the remaining journal entries so that they are up-to-date online, write the first Adventure-Some email, and starting writing some posts for the website. Ashley researches places to stay for the night.

After lunch we head out, mandering south – aiming for a Walmart to overnight. Ashley volunteered to drive. It looks to be interstate the whole way so it’ll be a good day for her to get some time behind the wheel.

It’s an adjustment for both of us. She has to get the seat and mirrors set for her and I gather activities for the 3 hour trip. Once she settles in I crochet for awhile – experimenting with a net pattern, which I think will become a shopping bag holder – we have way too many bags to fit in our pop-a-bag holder. After that I set up the keyboard so that I can get some more writing done for the website. Three articles up and scheduled, pending my proof-reader’s approval.

We pull into the WalMart and Ashley doesn’t believe me about a curve in the parking lot so we run over the curb with both the back wheel and the trailer. She felt horrible but I told her that it’s basically a rite of passage for anyone who pulls a trailer. No harm, no foul.
I head in to the store to see about overnighting. They recently changed their rules so it’s not allowed. Well poop!

We find a nearby KMart and head there. Apparently they don’t own the property and the landlord doesn’t allow overnighting. Well, we’re more than ready for supper so Ashley cooks while I look at our options. After two no-lucks we decided on a truck-stop, since we know they’ll allow overnighting.

Following Joni’s recommendation we find a stop as near to Holy Hill as possible. After supper we head that way (or I do, Ashley spends the time composing an email – getting the words exactly right).

Our first night in a gas-station/truck stop, surrounded by semis.

Lesson of the day: Ashley is not at all comfortable not knowing where we will be staying that night.

Ashley proofs my blog posts, I make the suggested changes and we head to bed.