Journal entry – 6 August 2015, Thurs – Iowa

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After breakfast we took care of chores around the RV, I posted more journal entries after Ashley checked them, and it was still early! We didn’t get up with the alarm but definitely earlier than usual.


Rode our bicycles to the grocery store to pick up the last ingredients for supper, then on back home. Ashley read while I went down to the disc golf course at Riverside Park. Short course, very open with generous pars. I would consider them all par 2-3 while they were listed as 4-5s. So I came in well under after playing the 9 holes twice, even though I am sadly out of practice.


Back home we had taco salad for supper with some corn on the cob as a side. Delicious! After eating we prepped the rest of the ground beef for tomorrow’s chili.


After supper I pulled out the laptop (for the first time since hitting the road) and looked at saved reference materials. Made notes from some saved ebooks and threw some articles and business ideas on a thumbdrive to read later.

I did find the handstand how-to book I’d saved. Knew I had a copy somewhere and think that it would be a fun skill to have. Easy enough to practice, now that I have some guidance, and doesn’t require anything but some space.

Put away computer and art supplies then read a bit before bed.

Journal entry – 5 August 2015, Wed

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.


Despite our best intentions to wake early the alarm at 5:00 was simply turned off. We woke at our normal time, ate breakfast, and then headed out on our bikes for a ride. Ran out of route ideas after a bit and stopped to find a geocache. Finally found one in Iowa! Once we loop through Minnesota again I will find one there and will be back on the way to finding a cache in each state.


We head back home and have a salad for lunch, then it’s time to settle in and get some work done. Ashley makes soap on the picnic table and I paint at the booth. Next time we will switch spots as she had to come in and out for the kitchen a number of times while I remained stationary other than occasional refills of my rinse cup.

The chemist at work

With the RAGBRAI and serious training completed our focus is now building up some income. Ashley is going to continue making soap and I am going to try selling art. Still have to figure out some logistics and details for both but starting out with some products created seems like a good way to go.


Ashley wraps up and puts her soap away to set as I finish my first painting. She cleans up her equipment and we head back to Central Park for the Farmer’s Market. Though not huge there is a good selection at decent prices. Everything looks delicious and we fill our backpacks with produce.


After shopping we go next door to explore Rustic Corner. Ashley checked it out yesterday and thought I would appreciate it. Boy, was she right! They are very crafty and have quite an art supply section. Lots of tools and materials caught my attention, including a pen/glue stick combo that I had never seen before. They even had a book section on zentangles and zendangles with some interesting ideas. I will have to do further research on those.


Back at home I begin my next painting while Ashley preps supper. The first attempt is much darker and heaver than I planned so I work on a second version concurrently.


Supper is ready so I take a break, conveniently allowing backgrounds to dry. Supper is delicious! Baked sweet potato, grilled chicken and grilled garlic mushrooms. Relatively simple fare but good quality ingredints and well-seasoned. Ashley really is becoming quite a talented cook!


I finish up both of the paintings and am pleased with both of them. They focus on the same subject matter but with completely different techniques and feels.


After cleaning up painting supplies we read for a bit and then head to bed.

Journal entry – 4 August 2015, Tues

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

We’ve really been enjoying the R Campground and town, so we decided to see if we can get the Passport America rate extended on through Friday. After a “discussion” of who should call, I end up with the task, which I do while exploring town. We walked to the riverfront park and decide to explore separately.


I go find the Redbox inside the HyVee, peruse the hardware store and check out the Mooney Collection in the library. It is a really nice collection of prints from the early 1900s by a son of the city. Includes work from Picasso, Rembrandt, Albrecht Durer and more. Well presented and displayed – even has an iPad friendly website to help guide you through it (and iPads available from the library). Before leaving the library I look through a painting magazine and find some inspirations for an artist statement.


On the way back to the RV I read about the 1/4 mile of white water that the city had built into the river, about the rain garden installation in the park, and check out some of the sculptures scattered throughout the city.


Charles City seems to be a great mix – small size yet big enough to have the features that interest us. Lots of local culture, art projects, a coffee shop, local restaurants, and even some whitewater and tubing right in the middle of town.


Ashley returns to the RV and proposes date night, since everything is walkable. That sounds great and we are more than overdue, so we begin getting ready for the evening. She really enjoyed checking out town, exploring boutiques and more.

My beautiful date!

Ready, we walk down through the park and over to Three C Bistro. We have been curious about duck so Ashley orders that, with a raspberry glaze over mushroom risoto. It was delicious! As was my stuffed porkchop and mashed potatoes. If their lunch is as good as their supper, we would really love this place!


(And, since we don’t have a work schedule to plan around, we need to remember to have lunch dates. They were by no means unreasonable, but their lunch prices were much more palatable.)

After eating we stroll over to the downtown movie theater. Only one show a night, only $2 a ticket, and held in what appears to also be a theater stage. Tonight it’s packed! The Central Park next door has some sort of festivity going on and the theater is packed full of children and their parents – and us, dressed up. 🙂


Movie of the week is “Inside Out” by Pixar and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Very cute. I particularly appreciated the scene during the credits that explains why cats act how they do.

After the movie we walked through the dusk back home and head to bed.

Journal entry – 3 August 2015, Mon

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.


After breakfast (Ashley really enjoyed her tea from Pipers!) we hop on our bikes and follow the rails-to-trails path next to the campground. We follow it till it ends in town and loop through the park that parallels the river. Neat looking place, definitely worth exploring further, on foot. We pass a train yard with awesome looking old passenger cars – shame that one can’t travel like that any more.


One of the coffee shops is spotted and we return after looping around town another time. Feels great to be back on the bikes again!


Aroma’s Coffee Bar has great art on the walls! We hang out for some time, getting things done online and generally enjoying the atmosphere and people watching.


Finishing our coffee we head back home and have a salad for lunch. Before showering we ride back into town for a few extra groceries from the HyVee. Really nice store and we take our time perusing their offerings. According to the app there is a RedBox in the store but we don’t see it. The gas station does have a free air station, however. Be a good place to top off our tires. 

We head back home, shower, and fix supper. I catch up on journaling and Ashley checks my typed-up entries covering the RAGBRAI. Once she approves I post them and send out the Adventure-Some email. Reading and a bit of movie watching before bed.

Journal entry – 2 August 2015, Sun

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

We all gather in the sitting room and chat over coffee. One by one we shower and pack up, preparing for our departures.


Finally, loaded up, we take a group photo and head on out. Pat and Hillary lead us over to the RV and then head back to the city for tomorrow’s work week. Jim and Norma help us move bags into the RV and watch us maneuver around to exit. We say our (tearful) goodbyes and head on out, following each other until reaching the main road where we turn opposite directions.


Ashley and I stop at Walmart for a grocery restocking and to find lunch. Nothing appeals so we head on down the road.

Our next destination is the Badlands in South Dakota so we soon find ourselves back in Iowa. This time we let the RV do the work as we traverse the state. Good thing, too, as the wind pushes against us. So glad that the RAGBRAI traveled from west to east as this headwind would have been exhausting!


We see a lot of motorcycles on the road and wonder about Sturgis. Oh no! It begins tomorrow. We had hoped that it was last week or during RAGBRAI. No such luck!

Ready for a bit of solitude, we debate where to wait out the bikers. A variety of options are available to us – and with the current heat we prefer those that offer electricity so we can use our air conditioning.

We don’t spot anything that sounds good for food so we finally settle for a McDonald’s. Neither of us remember the last time we ate at one. While inside we look at the maps. There is a Passport America campground on our way – we can spend the night there and further plan tomorrow. They also have a laundrymat so we can finish our laundry as well.
Pouring over the atlas as I drive, Ashley has come up with a splendid plan outline for the next few states. Parking in Montana and possibly picking up part-time jobs would allow us to motorcycle around and visit a number of National Parks before moving on further west.

Tight fit through construction

We arrive at R Campground in Charles City, Iowa and love it! We pay for two nights and settle in. Full hook-ups, wifi, a pond and the laundrymat is about 100′ away. Plus friendly neighbors! Bill chats with me for a bit – he and his wife are full-timers who winter about 50 miles west of Donna, TX, where Gmom and Gdad used to winter. He also gives some advice on setting up our awning to brace it against the wind. Now a breeze won’t have us rushing to stow it away. Different than how Gary showed us – I wonder if he knows.

There is a bicycle trail around/through the town – it runs right next to the park. We will head out to explore in the morning. We’ve been eager to ride for a few days now (basically the second day after RAGBRAI) and Ashley’s shin is feeling ok now. There is an art walk and a couple of coffee shops listed on the city map, as well.

Laundry is done (3 loads) and we are tired from the late nights over the weekend and the day’s journey. Movie watching and then bed time.

Journal entry – 1 August 2015, Sat

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After another late night I woke up earlier than before. In anticipation of the day’s activities we were all ready to go fairly early. The electrical mystery was solved when Jim unplugged his phone, which didn’t charge after being hooked up all night long. Apparently the power outlet has a loose connection.

Roger and Denise came over late morning and cousin Dave and Betty arrived about noon, with food in hand. With their food plus last night’s extras there was more than enough so reservations were canceled and we ate at the house.

After eating and visiting, Jim, Norma, Ashley and I went to a winery, Fergedaboudit, while everyone else headed in to shop through Galena. A great little place that felt like we imagine Italy to feel, we had a great time! Sampled all of their wines and a wine slushy, then went to the patio to enjoy a glass and the view. Spoke to a lady Marine there and left just as it started to sprinkle. Timed it perfectly as it poured for a few moments before we drove out of it and back into the sun.


Shortly after we arrived at the house Pat and everyone else returned as well.

The girls chatted while the guys took turns plinking with the BB gun. Ashley took a turn as well and knocked the water bottle around some.

Approaching supper time we caravanned to Timmerman’s Supper Club. Ashley and I had been wondering what a supper club was and were very excited to visit one. Cousin Jeff and Betsy meet us there. Great atmosphere and an amazing view of the sunset over the Mississippi River! We chat and eat the evening away.


After eating we all head back to Pat’s. Jim plays guitar for all of us. It was so much fun to hear him play – some songs we have never heard before!

Eventually everyone prepares to scatter for the evening, but not before planning next year’s gathering. Jim and Norma volunteer to host in Kentucky.

Journal entry – 31 July 2015, Fri

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After coffee and visiting for a bit I call and confirm that the fridge is up and running. It is, so Ashley and I shower and head up that way. We will be returning about lunch time, giving everyone else a chance to relax and get prepped for the day.

Everything seems to be in order, we receive some spare shelves for the fridge, and are on our way. Nearing Pat’s we find the restaurant from last night and pull in. Everyone comes to meet us, leading the way to a friend’s house – they are out of town for the weekend and thus have an empty driveway that we can use. We park the RV, give Pat and Hillary the grand tour, and then head on to explore Galena, Illinois.

Even though it is a touristy town, downtown is very quaint and a lot of fun to explore. We head to a fabulous restaurant for lunch. It’s been around for some time – Abraham Lincoln held a debate there when it was a hotel and he was running for President. Ashley had a chicken salad wrap while I try a Cuban, inspired by our recent watching of “Chef” at Joni and Jim’s.

We wander down mainstreet. I enjoy the art/paper shop – checking out sketchbooks and fountain pens while everyone else heads next door to the popcorn shop. They have a million flavors and fabulous samples. A whole shop dedicated to rootbeer! I should have picked up a sarsparilla – haven’t had one since I was wee. Ashley gets a latte at the cafe while Jim and I grab ice cream next door.


Pat and Hillary head back to the house to wait for Roger and Denise’s arrival (Roger is the eldest of the Guiney brood) while we continue exploring. Jim thoroughly enjoys the hot-sauce shop. I sampled a quarter of the store and he did his best to try everything.

We finally wrap up and head back to the house, arriving shortly before Roger and Denise. Jim grilled brats and burgers and we all ate and chatted the night away. We played another round of Catchphrase before calling it a night.

The power in Pat’s room mysteriously quit working (he found out upon trying to hook up his CPAP machine) and nothing we did fixed it. He finally decided sleep on the couch in the sitting room and solve the electrical mystery in the morning. 

Journal entry – 30 July 2015, Thurs

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

What a day! Packed up camp and headed to Moundview RV in Belmont, WI to get the fridge looked at. They had an open bay so we got in almost immediately. Ashley and I spent time in their waiting area, using the wifi and reading/writing for an hour or so. They sent us on our way with a new circuit board installed (which meant that my troubleshooting was correct and the first board that I bought was either faulty or the wrong one.)

30 miles and an hour later we stopped for lunch and realized that the fridge was no longer working, so we headed back. I dropped Ashley off at the laundry mat a few blocks away and went back. They switched out a sensor and charged us only for the part. Before I left they let it sit for a bit to ensure it would keep working. By the time we put the laundry away, though, it was again out of commission.

Third try and only a few options left. Symptoms point to a coolant leak (which often happens to older RV fridges) and the best option is a whole new fridge. Fortunately, that comes with a 2 year warranty and we will be reimbursed for the previous parts.

Jim and Norma have arrived at Pat’s and offer to come pick us up. The store/shop is closing so we pack overnight bags from the RV, back it into the workshop and wait outside for our ride. Everything will be ready for us mid-morning tomorrow. What an emotional, exhausting day!

It’s so great to see Jim and Norma!

The GPS has us wandering all over the country-side as we try to find the restaurant to meet Pat and Hillary. The kitchen closes and we eventually decide to head back to the house to meet there. They bring along some delicious pizzas for us to enjoy.

We chat while eating; Pat makes a Southern Comfort Manhattan for Ashley. We play 3 rounds of Catchphrase (on an old, analog game board – much better than the digital version!) and then head to the music room in the basement where Pat and Jim play some guitar for us. Hilary retires upstairs before Pat talks us into using the karaoke machine.

Early in the wee hours we head to bed, Ashley and I crashing on the pull-out couch in the living room.

Journal entry – 29 July 2015, Wed

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After breakfast I call around and make a tentative appointment for later in the day tomorrow for the RV. Mentioning that we are currently on a trip seems to make a difference. It’s only about 30 minutes past Galena so that is pretty convenient. Can either get a ride or ride the motorcycle to Pat’s if it will take awhile and we have to leave it over night.

Head in to town on the motorcycle and stop at a local cafe for coffees, a breakfast sandwich, and internet. The wifi is very slow, so I struggle to get any journal entries uploaded. Do catch up on some email and such, however.
Search briefly for the library, run back down the road for a better picture of Poopy’s restaurant\tattoo parlor\motorcycle shop\bar, and head back to the grocery store for a few last items to hold us over till tomorrow.


Back at home Ashley reads while I tackle my to do list. Get the motorcycle and bicycles washed, look at the roof vent cover (which needs replaced), and the bicycles oiled.

Chores done, I hang up the hammock and settle in to read. The only nearby tree that is suitable is a pine and every time a breeze blows brown needles fall on me. Powering through some books recently – ready to start a biz of some sort. Finished Ask, 4 Hour Work Week, Launch, End of Jobs, 7 Day Startup, and currently working on Dream Year. Lots of ideas, have filled half a notebook with lists and scribbles.


Our grey water is nearly full and our fresh empty so we go to the bathhouse for showers. The dump station and water refill is nearby but we will be pulling out in the morning so we can make it until then.

Reload the trailer and generally pack for tomorrow’s departure before heading in to bed.

Journal entry – 28 July 2015, Tues

Journal entries are just that – the digital copy of my hand-written entries in my journal. If you aren’t interested in the daily details of our adventure, feel free to skip on to the next “regular” post.

After breakfast I type up the last week’s journal entries. Once we have signal I will be ready to upload and add pictures.


The cooler is more water than ice, so we finish what is left in it. Don’t want to make daily trips into town for ice so we will work on packaged/non-cold items for a few days.

The reunion is a few days away – maybe I can schedule an appointment during it so that we won’t have to backtrack and to give us a place to stay while in the shop. Have to check on that before calling around, though.

Ashley reads while I write. It rains outside. Good day to laze around and relax. Stressful, between the car insurance from the paint scratch and the fridge being down.

We hear back that there’s a place for us to stay during the reunion, so tomorrow I will call about RV fridge repair. Too late today.