Journal entry – 2 Apr 2016, Sat – Karen’s Day

Jim, Karen, Ashley and I headed out, basically across the street, to Celia’s Garden Cafe for brunch. We sat out on the patio and enjoyed a delicious breakfast before heading next door to the garden center to stroll through their exhibits.

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Daniel called and we rushed back to the house to see him off. Unfortunately, he was called back to work and had to head out right then.

Jim had some planning to do for the upcoming work week, so he stayed at the house while Karen, Ashley and I headed out for some exploring before heading to the movies. We toured through Avila with some highlights pointed out for us to check out when we motorcycle over (per Joni’s suggestion). On the way over we stopped at the Avila Valley Barn – we arrived just as they were closing up shop, however, and didn’t get to experience the roasted corn that they’re infamous for. We settled for other options from their quick-serve restaurant. A salad for Ashley, wrap for Karen, and some Cashew Curry Chicken Salad for me. Pretty darn tasty!


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On to the movies, where we watched the first half of Allegiant, the last part of the Divergent series.