2017: Spent the morning gathering gear and getting ready for Dry Tortugas. Then rode to Biscayne about 30 minutes away where we had a picnic lunch, walked along the Jetty trail, learned all sorts from the visitors center and park video, and Matthew earned his Junior Ranger badge (he even got to wear a ranger hat as he recited his pledge!). We got a little bored waiting for the Park after Dark program to start because without a boat and without SCUBA gear there wasn't much we could do at Biscayne. So we went to Panera for a free bagel and coffees, wasted some time and then it was time for the program to start. We listened to Gary Livingston sing about local Florida and the Parks around a campfire. We had s'mores provided by the park and there were 2 telescopes set up as well. It was very cool, glad we stayed! After the concert was over we walked along the trail again in the dark, then headed back to the motorcycle and back to the RV. Good day!